WV DEP Releases Proposed Water Quality Standards Revisions
Earlier this week the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) released its proposed revisions to the state’s water quality standards rule, 47 CSR 2. The revisions include a proposal to establish a 500 TDS limit for drinking water sources (as a human health criterion), changes to the state’s narrative criteria that add certain water withdrawal situations and excessive algae blooms as “conditions not allowable”, changes to the nutrient criteria and revisions to the iron standards for classified trout waters. The revisions to the rule have not started the official rulemaking process- that will begin next week with their submission to the WVDEP Advisory Council. A 45-day public comment period will follow. The revisions will be reviewed by the Legislature during the 2011 Regular Session and will ultimately have to be reviewed and approved by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. For a copy of the proposed revisions contact jbostic@wvcoal.com