The Friends of Coal continue their outreach efforts with the following events:
- Developed a new 60-second Friends of Coal radio spot to thank West Virginia’s Congressional delegation for their work to end the EPA’s assault on West Virginia coal with their introduction of HR 2018.
- Continued work on the State Journal direct message piece. The section now looks to be 40-48 pages and will feature news and profile pieces for industry issues and Association members.
- Provided Friends of Coal yard signs at the request Arch Coal CAP posted throughout Boone County. Worked with the CAP for media contacts, as well.
- The Friends of Coal (Coal Friend) Facebook page topped 1,600 actual “Friends.” This page is not set up as a fan page but rather to facilitate two-way communication.
- June 10 --- Joined FACES to meet with members of the West Virginia Wildlife Federation regarding their support for mining and cooperatively approaching projects to enhance habitat and a better understanding of the importance of coal.
- June 13 — Boy Scouts of America District Day Camp at Camp Arrowhead in Ona. Lunch time presentation. Noon to 1:00pm