
NETL's Business Opportunity Session

We are pleased to announce that Senator Jay Rockefeller (video appearance) and Senator Joe Manchin, along with Representatives Shelley Moore Capito and David McKinley, will deliver key remarks at a Business Opportunity Session in Charleston, WV on Monday, November 14, 2011 at the Charleston Civic Center.

This Business Opportunity Session, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) in collaboration with Teaming to Win.

At this one-day session, participants will hear from Federal and State leaders, and learn about resources and opportunities specifically targeted for small businesses.  Federal buyers and prime contractors will be available in the afternoon for one-on-one meetings, which provides an excellent opportunity for small businesses to market their products and services.

To register for the event, please go to the following link:  http://www.netl.doe.gov/events/11conferences/sbs/index.html

There is no charge to attend the event; however, registration is required.

The Charleston Marriott Town Center is holding a block of rooms for this event until Friday, November 4, 2011. Reservations can be made on line by clicking on the following link:


or by calling the hotel directly at (304) 345-6500.  Reference "the U.S. Department of Energy" to obtain the group rate or use the group code UDD.