
Legislative Update: Session Rapidly Drawing to Close

Wednesday, February 28th, was “crossover day” in the Legislature, meaning that all bills had to be passed out of their house of origin or they would not be considered this Session. This year’s Regular Session will end next Saturday evening at midnight with the budget session to continue through the next week.

In the Senate:

As of 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the 50th day of the 80th Legislature’s 2nd Regular Session, 174 bills had passed the Senate and will move on to the House for further consideration.

In the House:

As of 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 29, 2012, the 50th day of the 80th Legislature’s 2nd Regular Session, 1,348 bills had been introduced in the House. Of those, 120 have passed the House and have moved on to the Senate for further consideration.

Bills of interest and their current status is explained below:


  • The Mine Safety bill, HB 4351, passed the House of Delegates on Wednesday and was approved by the Senate Energy, Industry & Mining (EIM) Committee on Thursday morning, reported to the Senate floor and read a first time before being sent to the committee of second reference, Senate Judiciary. It is expected to be taken up by the Senate Judiciary Committee at the next meeting and sent to the full Senate for the additional two readings next week. Copies of the engrossed bill can be accessed by clicking HB 4351 Text.
  • SB 579, the “Special Reclamation Tax” bill passed the Senate on Monday and was communicated to the House of Delegates on Wednesday. It was referred to the House Finance Committee where the House counterpart bill, HB 4519, is being held. The Committee is expected to consider the Senate bill early next week.
  • SB 429, authorizes special (vanity) license plates to be purchased for vehicles (trucks) weighing up to 10,000 pounds, is on 3rd reading, Special House Calendar (passage) today. This will allow the Friends of Coal, as well as other special license plates to be purchased for the heavier pick-up and service trucks. Copies of the bill can be accessed by clicking SB 429 Text.