Save the Dates: June 5 in Frankfort and June 7 in Pikeville
At the request of the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, the United States EPA will conduct hearings in Frankfort on June 5 and in Pikeville on June 7, regarding EPA’s specific objections to 36 individual KPDES permits that would authorize discharges from new or expanded surface coal mining activities in eastern Kentucky.
The EPA objections have prevented the issuance of all individual Clean Water Act (CWA) permits for new or expanded surface coal mining activities in eastern Kentucky for more than two years. The economic effect of the EPA’s objections has been significant in that the 19 most recent objections alone are estimated to have cost Kentucky some 3,800 coal-related jobs and more than $123 million in lost coal severance taxes.
The upcoming hearings (which were requested almost two years ago) provide interested parties the opportunity for input on the EPA objections, their legal basis, and their economic impact. Testimony can be submitted in either written or oral form (limited to 2 minutes per speaker). Upon conclusion of the hearings, EPA can confirm, modify, or withdraw its objections and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet will be afforded an opportunity to revise the permits to conform with EPA’s final decision.
Dates and Locations:
The first public hearing will be held at the Frankfort Convention Center, 405 Mero Street. Frankfort, KY 40601 on June 5 from Noon to 4 pm.
The second and third hearings will be at the Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center at 126 Main Street, Pikeville, KY 41501 on June 7 from noon to 4 pm and from 7 pm to 11 pm.
Register to Speak:
Everyone that supports coal directly or indirectly are asked to show their support by participating at one of the hearings listed above. We encourage everyone to sign up in advance to speak. It’s imperative that we show our support for an industry that has done so much for Kentucky. You can register at http://www.kycoalminehearings.