
July Edition of Coal Seam Now Airing

The July episode of the Coal Seam television show is now airing on your local public access channels. WV Coal Association President Bill Raney was this month’s guest and discussed the current status of the coal industry in our state.

SCHEDULE:  The Coal Seam is broadcast across the state on your local cable systems. Check for times and days at http://www.librarycommission.wv.gov/programs/ltn/Documents/Library%20Television%20Network%20Schedule%202012.pdf.

STREAMING VIDEO:  The Coal Seam is available in streaming video at http://www.librarycommission.wv.gov/programs/ltn/videoserver/Pages/coalseam.aspx.

Host Chris Hamilton tapes the show at the State Library Commission television studios once a month, exploring topics of importance to our coal miners, their families and their communities.