
Statement by Bill Raney, West Virginia Coal Association, Concerning Today’s Climate Speech by President Barack Obama

“In today’s announcement, President Obama called America’s reliance on coal a “mistake”, dismissing the accomplishments of generations of coal miners that have worked to make the United States the greatest country in the world.    

By announcing imminent restrictions on carbon emissions from power plants that exceed the capabilities of current technology, this administration will impose bureaucratic mandates with no regard for the people and communities of West Virginia that depend on coal and the inexpensive energy it creates for their very existence and survival. In his speech, President Obama dismissed critics of his policies as members of the "flat earth society”.  Make no mistake, this Administration’s new climate initiative will negatively impact West Virginia coal jobs, result in higher electric bills for consumers and businesses and lead to America’s economic disarmament via U.S. manufacturing jobs relocating to other nations.

‘If it’s not global, it won’t work’.  That was the mantra in 1997 when the U.S. Senate passed the Byrd-Hagel Resolution encouraging then-President Clinton not to enter into global warming treaties that leave out developing nations or hurt the American economy.  This current proposal, in essence, does both.

America needs a commonsense energy plan that recognizes the limits of current emission control technology, protects jobs, builds our economy and secures our country.  We urge West Virginia’s elected leaders, regardless of party, to join us in helping to protect the jobs, families and the very social fabric of our communities and state.”

For additional information, contact the West Virginia Coal Association at (304) 342-4153