
Giving Hearts/FOCLA Needs Your Help

The Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary (FOCLA) has been preparing for our annual "Giving Hearts" project. Due to the economy, we have not met our donation goal. We are asking for your support.  Below is a brief outline of our "Giving Hearts" project:

  • The families' names of deployed West Virginia Troops have been provided. The volunteers will shop for clothing as well as the children's toy wish list.
  • Area churches and schools also provide names of families in need of food and clothing.
  • Food provided will be turkey, ham, vegetables, fruits, desserts, as well as dry and staple goods.
  • Complete outfits for each child will be purchased. (Pants, shirt, coat, pajamas, gloves and toboggan)
  • All gifts are wrapped and foods are boxed
  • Saturday, December 14th, 2013, will be gift pick-up day at our Mabscott office. We welcome any sponsor who wishes to participate, and encourage them to attend.


The Ladies Auxiliary believes the "Giving Hearts" Project is a wonderful opportunity to help our communities. Along with your sponsorship of a family or a donation, we will be able to provide these families with a very Merry Christmas! Donations are being accepted untilDecember 6, 2013 and can be mailed to:  Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary, PO Box 1109, Beckley, WV 25802   (304) 255-1457, ext. 20