
Coal Seam Special on Pittsburgh Rally, Airing Through Most of September

A very special episode of The Coal Seam television show is now airing. The show was filmed on location at the July Coal Rally in Pittsburgh. The show includes vignettes of the rally, which included Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin of West Virginia, Gov. Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania and Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor of Ohio.  Gov. John Kasich was also on hand via a video he sent.  WVCA President Bill Raney and Senior Vice President Chris Hamilton also addressed the crowd of thousands of coal miners there to protest the EPA’s GHG regulations that are shutting down coal-fired power plants and killing thousands of jobs.

The episode will be broadcast through most of September.  It is available on the state Library Television Network as well as your local cable system’s public access channel. Locally it is on Suddenlink Channel 17