The Association acknowledges and thanks the sponsors and the more than 200 who attended the recent Environmental Workshop in Charleston. The wide range of topics included updates on current water quality standards, endangered species’ policies and regulations, a critical overview of the Clean Power Plan and OSM’s Stream Protection Rule as well as a discussion of the current political and legislative situation in West Virginia. Environmental & Technical Committee Chairman John McDaniel and our own Jason Bostic, who also made presentations, said the Workshop would not have been possible without the able and professional assistance of our talented and informed presenters, which included Barry Thacker, P.E. Geo/Environmental Associates, Inc.; Jennie Henthorn, Henthorn Environmental Services; Allyn Turner, Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC; Varun Shekhar and Christopher “Kip” Power of Babst Calland; Robert McLusky, Jackson Kelly PLLC; and Mike Castle, Strategic Solutions.