America’s Coal Associations’ Statement on the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s 2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment

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CHARLESTON, WV – America’s Coal Associations issued the following statement in response to the release of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s 2022 Long-Term Reliability Assessment:

“NERC’s annual assessment is clear – majority of America’s electrical grid faces risk of resource shortfall through 2027 thanks to a rapid retirement of America’s coal fleet and dependence on intermittent power sources such as wind and solar. Dispatchable resources like coal are five to six times more dependable than wind and twice as dependable as solar. Given NERC’s mission toassure the effective and efficient reduction of risks to the reliability and security of the grid,everyone, including both state and federal officials, must take these warnings seriously. 

Treasurer Moore Highly Deserving of National Recognition for Defending Consumers, Businesses Against ESG Initiatives

Charleston, W.Va. – West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore received the Consumers’ Research “Consumers’ Champion Award” recently for his efforts to defend West Virginia residents and businesses from harm being imposed through the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) movement.

Chris Hamilton, President of the West Virginia Coal Association and Immediate Past Chairman of the West Virginias Business & Industry Council, said, “Treasurer Moore deserves the highest praise for his efforts to push back against discriminatory ESG policies and for sparking a national movement to do the same.” 

America’s Coal Association’s Issues Response to President Biden’s Comments Regarding ‘Shutting Down Coal Plants Across America”

CHARLESTON, W.Va. ─ In response to comments by President Joe Biden over the weekend stating that “we’re going to be shutting [coal] plants down all across America” America’s Coal Associations issues the following response: 

President Biden's insistence that coal plants and coal miners be shuttered serves as an affront to the 381,000 hard working men and woman across America who work in some capacity with coal mining.

Aside from the callousness, the President’s remarks reflect recklessness and total ignorance of coal's value to our nation’s independence, defense and security.

Mining is among our country’s most honorable professions, contributing significantly to our industrial job base and to local, regional, and national economies. Our miners are an essential part of our nation’s fabric with many of their spouses working as teachers, nurses, Sunday School teachers and every imaginable profession throughout our society.

Our industry fully supports clean air and a clean environment. We take great pride in our environmental compliance record and overall stewardship of the land. Our mining operations are among the world’s best and our industry’s record in the US is superior to similar mining complexes around the world. The technological advancements employed at our mines and electric manufacturing facilities are second to none.

Our nation’s infrastructure and national defense systems depend on coal as does the secured delivery of household and industrial electrical supplies. Continuous base load electric generation that only coal provides keeps the electric grid secured and ensures our country’s energy independence.

Coal is what built our country into the world superpower it is, and coal will continue to be a strong economic driver for years to come. Frankly, our miners deserve more from their government and their President! God Bless our “Freedom miners” and families.

America’s Coal Associations are supportive of an all-of-the-above energy strategy but believes the United States should not trade one energy job for another or unnecessarily shorten the life of these foundational contributors to our economy and industrial job base. 

For additional information, contact Chris Hamilton at (304) 342-4153.

The following State Coal Associations and Groups have signed on to the above response:

  • Emily Arthun, Executive Director, American Coal Council
  • Randy Eminger, Executive Director, Energy Policy Network
  • Nick Williams, President, Illinois Coal Association
  • Tucker Davis, President, Kentucky Coal Association
  • Mike Cope, President Ohio Coal Association
  • Rachel Gleason, President, Pennsylvania Coal Alliance
  • Matt Bell, President Reliable Energy, Inc. (Indiana)
  • Judy Colgan, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Mining Institute
  • Chuck Laine, President, Tennessee Mining Association
  • Ches Blevins, President, Texas Mining and Reclamation Association
  • Travis Deti, Executive Director, Wyoming Mining Association 
  • Chris Hamilton, President, West Virginia Coal Association

West Virginia Coal Association Takes Issue With EQT-Led Anti-Coal Organization

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  In response to the launch of a natural gas industry-led initiative to replace coal with natural gas to purportedly assist our European allies, the West Virginia Coal Association called the organization’s mission “irresponsible” and “counter to the welfare of European citizens and the global and US economies”. 

Chris Hamilton, President of the West Virginia Coal Association said, “Our European allies are struggling to acquire the fuel they’ll need for consumer home heating and industrial purposes. They require all means necessary – coal, gas and intermittent sources – to power their economies for the foreseeable future. Calling for the eradication of coal is nothing more than a political hook on their part to incentivize gas pipeline development in America.” 

OP ED: West Virginia relies heavily on coal based electric generation

By: Chris Hamilton, President & CEO WV Coal Association

West Virginia historically has enjoyed among the lowest cost electric rates in the country, a trend which continues today despite universal higher energy costs.

The fact that West Virginia relies heavily on coal based electric generation is the primary reason West Virginians have a lower base rate than the majority of Americans.

Generation from existing coal assets in West Virginia can be as much as 50% less expensive than buying power in the wholesale electricity market or the power produced by generating sources other than coal.