WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Georgia Tech CO2 Recycling

Again relating to Cap&Trade: Not only, according to Georgia Tech, can we capture CO2 from smokestacks, and as we've documented from the air itself, but from our cars' tailpipes.
The excerpt:
"Carbon capture and storage has been touted as a method for slashing carbon emissions in power plants – now researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology say it can be used to combat one of the most widespread greenhouse gas offenders: the automobile. Georgia Tech has outlined a concept system where carbon is isolated from fossil fuels, disposed of at a refueling station, and eventually recycled into new fuel. Not only is the closed-loop cycle carbon emission free, it is also renewable and efficient."
Georgia Tech confirms what we've been reporting: We can capture CO2 and use it to make more liquid fuel. And, we can capture it even as it emerges from the tailpipes of our cars. Then, we can convert it into more liquid fuel.
Doesn't this make a lot more sense than punishing coal-producing and coal-using states, and every American citizen, by imposing huge new taxes disguised behind a mask that says "Cap&Trade"?