WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

CO2 Conserves Coal - Canada

"Before utilities, oil and coal producers, industrial process companies and
energy agencies commit any more money to studying the underground burial
of carbon-dioxide emissions, they ought to talk to Viva Cundliffe. The
British Columbia-based environmental engineer has spent five years
investigating and demonstrating how carbon dioxide could be recycled."

As we, and others we've cited, have been saying: The potential exists to recycle the Carbon Dioxide co-product of our coal-use industries. "Before utilities, oil and coal producers, industrial process companies and
energy agencies commit any more money to studying the underground burial of carbon-dioxide emissions..." we all need to step back and re-evaluate our focus. We shouldn't spend any more money and time on figuring out how to bury our CO2, or how, through Cap & Trade, to tax the coal industry into oblivion. Instead, researchers, like these we note herein, in Canada, and others we've cited in Japan, Germany, Korea and in the United States, need to be funded and promoted.
Additional excerpts:

    ""We recycle plastic, why shouldn't we recycle carbon?" she asks
rhetorically in an interview. "I am demonstrating a more sustainable and
carbon-negative solution that has lower costs, treats carbon as an asset,
and could extend the life of coal resources by up to 10 times."
(Note: "treats carbon as an asset" and "extend the life of coal resources". Aren't those good things?  - JtM)

   " Around the world, utilities, oil companies, energy agencies and industrial
companies are collectively spending billions of dollars to investigate and
prove various types of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS)

   ""I am trying to signal to the industry that it's cheaper to recycle carbon
than to store it," Cundliffe says. "Companies should beware of the
potential liabilities of long-term contracts to bury carbon dioxide,
including loss of access and control.""
(Note, as we've been saying: "it's cheaper to recycle carbon than to store it"; or, than to tax, through Cap&Trade, coal-production and coal-use industries out of existence.)

    "Cundliffe, President of Strategic Visionary Alternatives Limited
(Kamloops, British Columbia), has held one pre-commercial demonstration
of her technology at a commercial property located in south-central
British Columbia. The company, which has received funding from private
sources, governments and non-governmental organizations, filed a global
patent application on the technology this past April."

    "Strategic Visionary Alternatives technology, called "Green Carbon," is a
post-combustion technology that uses heat and special catalysts to split
carbon dioxide into its constituent parts -- carbon and oxygen. The
carbon, captured as a fine powder not unlike pulverized coal, could
either be re-injected into the combustion chamber for burning or captured
in pelletized form for use elsewhere."

    "The pure carbon would have a British thermal unit (BTU) value that is 15%
higher than Western coal, she says: "It is basically the same BTU value as
metallurgical-grade coal with no impurities.""
Although this isn't the processing of CO2 into additional liquid fuel, as has, through several processes we've documented, been demonstrated,  we do get a very high-grade metallurgical "coal" - which should carry a premium price - and, pure Oxygen.
As we've tediously repeated, our use of coal doesn't create pollutants, but by-products. Herein is explained how we can recycle one of those by-products, Carbon Dioxide, to, in essence, more coal.
We need to stop wasting time and money trying to figure out how to dispose of CO2, or how to tax the coal industries out of existence because of it, and just start using coal's by-products to our benefit. It can be done, and we can thereby "extend the life of coal resources by up to 10 times".