WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Airlines Praise Coal Fuel

We earlier reported ASTM's recent approval of coal-based jet fuel for America's air carriers, even though South Africa has been pumping Sasol's coal-based jet fuel into airliners on that continent for quite some time.
And, it all comes sixty years after West Virginia's US Senator Randolph flew from Morgantown to Washington, DC, in a small plane powered by some coalshine brewed up for him by WVU.
Still, it's noteworthy that: "ATA Applauds ASTM International Subcommittee Passage of Synthetic Jet Fuel Specification". As follows: 

"WASHINGTON, June 25, 2009 - The Air Transport Association of America (ATA), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today applauded the ASTM International Aviation Fuels Subcommittee for passing a new specification that will enable the use of synthetic fuels in aviation. This step by ASTM, a standards development organization, is a watershed event and sets the stage for the blended fuel to receive full ASTM approval by the fall of this year."

“The action of the ASTM subcommittee is a landmark step for all consumers of jet fuel,” said ATA President and CEO James C. May. “It signals the beginning of a new era for widespread production and use of cleaner, alternative fuels that not only will help the airline industry meet its environmental goals but also will provide airlines with more competitive options for purchasing jet fuel while simultaneously enhancing U.S. energy security.”

Mike, the foregoing should be highlighted in it's entirety, but allow us to summarize: The approval of coal-based jet fuel is a watershed, a landmark step for all consumers, the beginning of a new era of cleaner alternative fuels that will help meet environmental goals while enhancing US energy security.

Yep, coal can do that.