WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Consol Holds 14+ CoalTL Patents

Subject: Stewart, CoalTL: Consol Holds 14+ CoalTL Patents
We introduce you herein to Dr. Everett Gorin, formerly a researcher with Consolidation Coal (Consol), by last reports retired and living in California.
He was a prolific researcher during his Consol career, accumulating more than 50 patents, some of which we will reference for you below.
First, though, some statements made about him, during presentation to him of the American Chemical Society's  Henry Storch Award for Fuel Chemistry, in 1965:
"He is credited with being the inventor of the Consol "Coal to Gasoline Process" which is embodied in a pilot plant being erected in Cresap, West Virginia. This process, involving partial conversion of coal to gasoline and utilization of the residue for power generation, permits a substantial decrease in the manufacturing cost of gasoline as compared to prior coal conversion processes."
"Dr. Gorin has made significant contributions to an array of coal conversion processes, including low temperature carbonization, gasification of char, desulfurization of char, manufacture of hydrogen, synthesis of high BTU pipeline gas, direct generation of electricity from coal via fuel cells and conversion of coal to gasoline."
"One of Dr. Gorin’s most recent achievements is a direct one-step conversion of coal extract to gasoline in high yields, Dr. Gorin holds approximately 50 U.S., patents on coal processing."
In 1965, Dr. Gorin already held, approximately, 50 US patents on coal processing. Among them were:
United States Patent 3018241: Production of hydrogen-rich liquid fuels from coal, January 23, 1962 (aka, in other sources:: "Gasoline feedstock from bituminous coal"). 
That was far from his only patent related to the technology of converting coal into liquid fuels, though it might have been the first. Later ones included:


T989004 Hydrogen transfer solvent extraction of coal December 4, 1979
A coal liquefaction process is provided in which a hydrogen donor solvent is used in the liquefaction of the coal. The process is designed to maintain the hydrogen donor solvent in balance by hydrogenation of the spent hydrogen donor solvent and selected precursors of the hydrogen donor
Solvent makeup in solvent extraction of coal December 4, 1979
A coal liquefaction process is provided in which a hydrogen donor solvent is used to at least partially liquefy the coal. The process is maintained in hydrogen donor solvent balance by treatment of selected products obtained in the course of the coal liquefaction process.
T989002 Solvent makeup in hydrogen transfer extraction December 4, 1979
A coal liquefaction process is provided in which a hydrogen donor solvent is used in the liquefaction of the coal. The process is designed to maintain the hydrogen donor solvent in balance by hydrogenation of the spent hydrogen donor solvent and precursors of the hydrogen donor solvent
T989001 Hydrogen donor solvent extraction of coal December 4, 1979
A coal liquefaction process is provided in which a hydrogen donor solvent is used to at least partially liquefy the coal. The process is maintained in hydrogen donor solvent balance by treatment of products obtained in the course of the coal liquefaction process. 
4578175 Combined process for coal pyrolysis and char gasification March 25, 1986
Finely divided coal is reacted in a combination of processes comprising flash pyrolysis and fluidized bed gasification of char from the pyrolysis. A portion of the char which is heated by the steam-oxygen gasification provides the heat for the pyrolysis step.
4440546 Process for gasification of carbonaceous material April 3, 1984
A process of tar destruction in gasification of carbonaceous material comprising providing a mixture of finely divided calcium compound of a particle size smaller than 65 mesh and finely divided carbonaceous material of a particle size smaller than 65 mesh.
4138224 Production of fixed bed gasifier feedstock and fuels from coal February 6, 1979
A two-step process for the production of fixed bed gasifier feedstock from a coal liquefaction effluent slurry is provided which comprises (a) treating a coal liquefaction effluent slurry in a stirred vessel with a mixture of anti-solvent and coal-derived carbonaceous solids.
4138223 Manufacture of pellets from coal liquefaction products February 6, 1979
The effluent slurry product from a coal liquefaction reactor is split into two streams. The first stream is subjected to vacuum distillation to produce a vacuum bottoms. The second stream is mixed with particulate char to form a solids-enriched slurry feedstock.
4138222 Pelletization of coal conversion products February 6, 1979
Pelletization of a pumpable non-distillable conversion product of coal is effected by agglomerating, in a pelletization zone, a mixture of such product with finely divided coaly solids and recycled undersized pellets from solvent extract and pellet classification zones.
4138221 Manufacture of pellets from coal conversion products February 6, 1979
The manufacture of pellets from pumpable non-distillable coal conversion products is accomplished as follows. The non-distillable product is split into two streams. A pelletizable composition is made from a mixture of one stream with char made from the other stream.
4137298 Production of a hydrogen-rich gas from a hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide-containing January 30, 1979
In a process for the production of hydrogen-rich gas from a gas containing hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other components by contacting the gas in a formate synthesis zone with an aqueous solution containing alkali metal carbonate and/or bicarbonate
4134826 Method for producing hydrocarbon fuels from heavy polynuclear hydrocarbons by use of molten meta January 16, 1979
In a process for hydrocracking heavy polynuclear carbonaceous feedstocks to produce lighter hydrocarbon fuels by contacting the heavy feedstocks with hydrogen in the presence of a molten metal halide catalyst, thereafter separating at least a substantial portion of the carbonaceous material.
4134821 Maintenance of solvent balance in coal liquefaction process January 16, 1979
A coal liquefaction process is provided in which a solvent is used to at least partially liquefy the coal. The process is maintained in solvent balance without extraneous addition of make-up solvent.
4094766 Coal liquefaction product deashing process June 13, 1978
Liquefaction of coal is effected by extraction of coal by a distillable solvent in the presence of hydrogen under conditions selected to produce a coal liquefaction product, the major portion of which is distillable.  
There have been, are and will be geniuses among us, Mike. We've introduced you herein to one of them. 
But, we must ask: Why have we, especially those of us in Coal Country, not heard previously of  Everett Gorin?
Of course, all of his coal-related patents were officially assigned to his employer, Consolidation Coal - Consol; and, then, after the acquisition, to Consol's new parent, Continental Oil. We'll suppose that to be answer enough.