WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Coal Conversion Scientist

Far too late, we introduce you to some of the work of Coal-to-Liquid conversion pioneer Frank Derbyshire.
He had a career, that ended too soon, marked by milestones of achievement in the science of converting abundant coal into scarce liquid fuels.
We enclose, following, a few selections from his catalogue of published research. You will see that he started with Mobil Oil, where he researched for them the science of coal-to-liquid conversion. Some of his discoveries might now be embodied in Exxon-Mobil's MTG (r), Methanol-to-Gasoline, technology, wherein the methanol is synthesized from coal.
He later continued his research into coal conversion at Penn State University, as evidenced by reference to two of his works included below.
He went on to work, until his death, at the University of Kentucky's Center for Adavnced Energy Research, whom we have cited previously as developers of coal-to-liquid conversion art.
We thus submit a few of Derbyshire's publications, just as more evidence that coal-to-liquid conversion is very real technology; technology that could, if we centered our will upon the goal, help us, the US, to achieve liquid fuel self-sufficiency and thus restore some level at least of national prosperity.
As follows: