WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Enhancement of Coal Liquefaction


Pursuant to our most recent submissions concerning coal liquefaction developments in Pittsburgh and Japan, and some earlier, that made reference to the utility of some coal oils, derived from coal through distillation processes, "coking", in the synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons from coal, and, in a similar fashion, from cellulose, we present the two enclosed articles, from researchers in Spain, confirming the synergies that can be achieved by extracting coal oils and then using them as beneficial additives in coal liquefaction processes.
Excerpts from the above link, with an additional link and excerpt following: 

"Document title

Coal liquefaction with anthracene oil. Influence of solvent pretreatment, temperature, catalyst and pressure




Univ. País Vasco, escuela ing. industriales telecomunicación Bilbao, dep. ing. química medio ambiente, 48013 Bilbao, ESPAGNE


The effect of solvent pretreatment, temperature, a CoMo/Al2O3 catalyst and pressure on coal liquefaction with anthracene oil has been evaluated. The experiments were conducted in a 500 ml autoclave with 10 g of a Spanish subbituminous A coal, 30 g of solvent, 1 hour reaction time and 400 rpm stirring speed. The liquefaction products were fractionated into oils, asphaltenes and preasphaltenes using pentane, toluene and THF as extractive solvents. The behaviour of anthracene oil as coal liquefaction solvent is very much enhanced by prehydrogenating it and by the addition of an active catalyst. The influence of temperature depends on the operating conditions such as solvent pretreatment, catalyst, pressure etc


Fuel science & technology international   ISSN 0884-3759   CODEN FSCTEG; 1994, vol. 12, n7-8, pp. 1067-1079 (28 ref.)


Dekker, New York, NY, ETATS-UNIS  (1986-1996) (Revue)

Document title

Hydrogen-transferring liquefaction of two different rank coals employing hydrogenated anthracene oil as a donor solvent Univ. Oviedo, dep. ing. quimica, 33071 Ovieda, Espagne




Univ. Oviedo, dep. ing. quimica, 33071 Ovieda, Espagne


The liquefaction of two coals, a low-volatile bituminous coal and a lignite, was studied using a hydrogenated anthracene oil as donor solvent. An inert atmosphere was employed to ensure that all the hydrogen incorporated by coal was supplied by hydrogenated compounds from the anthracene oil. Reaction products were separated according to their solubility and the following fractions were obtained: oils, asphaltenes, preasphaltenes, and an unreacted coal organic matter. The amount of hydrogenated compounds in the oil was related to the kinetics of coal solubilization


Industrial & engineering chemistry research   ISSN 0888-5885   CODEN IECRED; 1992, vol. 31, n10, pp. 2407-2412 (24 ref.) 


American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, ETATS-UNIS  (1987) (Revue)"
Note that both these articles, though from Spanish researchers working in Spain, were published in the United States, in English, more than a decade ago.
In any case, they, as with the earlier references we submitted, including some much earlier describing the utility of coke oven gas and tars in coal liquefaction processes, demonstrate that even coal by-products can be employed in the process of converting coal into liquid hydrocarbons for the purposes of liquid fuel and organic chemical synthesis. Moreover, they are evidence, in addition to our most-recently submitted articles from Pittsburgh and Japan, that the processes of coal liquefaction, and the enhancement of those liquefaction processes, is well-understood, among certain circles on at least three continents, essentially world-wide.
It seems far past time that understanding was extended to the public at large, especially the US public, and, most especially, the Coal Country public.