WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

OPEC to Recycle CO2

We're tempted to say that we, all of us, in Coal Country, in the US, have our heads stuck in the sand when it comes to the potentials for converting our abundant coal into liquid fuels, and for recycling the Carbon Dioxide by-product of our coal use into even more liquid fuels.
Sadly, we're forced to conclude that we have our heads stuck somewhere even darker and less pleasant.
And, unless we put an end to the compulsive practice of contemplating the inner walls of our colons, and get to work converting our abundant coal and recycling Carbon Dioxide, into the liquid fuels and chemical manufacturing raw materials we need, we are going to wind up even further behind, and in even deeper bondage to, some people with whom we don't enjoy the warmest of relations.
As documented herein, OPEC is making ready to recycle Carbon Dioxide into hydrocarbon products, so that they can continue to extort us after the deserts run as dry of oil as they are of water.
The portentous excerpt:
"MHI to License Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide Recovery Technology To GPIC in Bahrain -- World-class Recovery Capacity of 450 Tons/Day 
Article Excerpt
Tokyo, Japan, Dec 20, 2007 - (JCN Newswire) - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has singed a license agreement for carbon dioxide (CO2) recovery technology with Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), a manufacturer of fertilizers and petrochemicals in Bahrain.

GPIC will use the technology to recover CO2 from flue gas emitted at its existing petrochemical plant and utilize the captured CO2 to increase urea and methanol production. The recovery units can capture 450 metric tons of CO2 per day, one of the world's largest capacities for the chemical application."
We shouldn't by now have to explain the utility of methanol.
When those of us in Coal Country, in the United States, finally wake up and pull our heads out of whatever dark place it is we have them stuck, and realize that we're paying a sheik's ransom to OPEC for a liquid fuel they're making out of the primary by-product of our coal use, that stuff we'll be wiping out of our eyes and combing out of our hair won't be some of OPEC's desert sand.