WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

US Coal Patent - Liquids, Power, Low CO2


Herein we submit yet another US Patent, in addition to the several other patents, and at least one Nobel Prize, we have brought to your attention which document, beyond reasonable argument, that coal can, efficiently and cleanly, be converted into liquid fuels.
Moreover, in confirmation of research we earlier reported, liquid fuel production and power generation, from coal, can be combined in an integrated process, in one facility, thereby adding to coal's already immense value as a source of both electricity and liquid transportation fuels.  
As follows:

US Patent 6976362 - Integrated Fischer-Tropsch and power production plant with low CO2 emissions

US Patent Issued on December 20, 2005
A plant for producing Fischer-Tropsch liquids and electrical power with greatly reduced emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is made up of a syngas generatpr unit, an air separation unit, a Fischer-Tropsch unit, a CO2 removal unit, and a combined cycle electricity generation unit. Each of Fischer-Tropsch liquids, carbon dioxide, and electrical power can be recoverable under proper economic conditions. Electrical power is recoverable by the use of a gas turbine fueled by predominantly hydrogen and a steam turbine powered by steam generated by cooling exhaust gases from the gas turbine. Sequestration of CO2 and fueling the gas turbine with hydrogen reduces the amount of greenhouse gases emitted to the atmosphere."
The Abstract is unfortunately sparse of technical details. Another critical, and disappointing, insufficiency is the almost-obligatory genuflection towards the wasteful concept of "Sequestration".  Someone should write a new patent application specifying the inclusion of a Sabatier-type Carbon Dioxide reactor, such as is employed, as we've documented, on the International Space Station, to convert any excess CO2 into the useful gaseous fuel, and liquid fuel raw material, methane.  
Other than that, we have here yet another confirmation, by US Government experts, in this case patent examiners, that very real technology exists to convert our abundant coal, cleanly, efficiently and profitably, into liquid fuels. And, coal will keep our lights on for us while it keeps our cars rolling.
What more can we ask?