WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

China Advertises CoalTL Technology

So confident, so assured, is China about her Coal-To-Liquids conversion industry, with which, as we've documented, she has been helped along by US entities, such as West Virginia University, that she is beginning to advertise her coal liquefaction accomplishments and talents.
Maybe you and your Coal Country journalistic colleagues should subscribe to their monthly "e-magazine",  as below, on the subject of Chinese coal liquefaction: Chemsino.
As detailed further via the link:
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"The Window to Know CTL and Coal Chemical in China
About China CTL

The coal-to-liquids (CTL) and advanced coal chemical industry, such as coal based mega methanol, DME and methanol-to-olefins boom in China, as the current high oil price and the abundant coal resource in the country.

More and more companies and investors are interested in the field, those companies and investors, together with other enterprises upstream and downstream of the sector, are eager to know the updated information in coal chemical industry for reference, such as policies, markets, companies, technologies and etc.

Chemsino Intelligence, a leading chemical information services provider in China, launched a new comprehensive monthly e-magazine on coal chemical industry, which based on English language and named as China CTL for English readers in China and overseas.

Chemsino is commissioned to provide comprehensive and accurate information on CTL and coal chemical industry in China for subscribers.

The monthly updated information included in each issue of China CTL:

Viewpoint: comment on latest breaking news about coal chemical industry in China

Policies and Markets: latest policies and laws issued by centre and local government, and market situation of products related to coal chemical sector

Companies and Projects: the activities of coal chemical enterprises and information of coal chemical projects that are planned or being built in China

Price: prices of products related to coal chemical sector

Data: import and export data of products and raw materials of coal chemical sector

Technologies: latest innovations on coal chemical"

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This, indeed, seems to be the "The Window to Know CTL ... in China" - if you read Chinese. The excerpt above might be the only English-language entry on the site.

It is, nonetheless, somewhat revealing. Darned shame there's no "Window to Know CTL in West Virginia", or, "in Appalachia", or, "in The United States of America".

Do you know of any good reason why there is not?

We don't either. But, there should be - especially since, as we documented for you some time ago, China is seeking international patents on what seems to be a version of WVU's "West Virginia Process" for direct coal liquefaction.