WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

China Improves CO2 & Methane Conversion

We have been documenting China's accomplishments in the field of "carbon conversion", which include coal conversion technology developed along the lines of WVU's "West Virginia Process" for direct coal liquefaction, as well as technology for the recycling of Carbon Dioxide, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, which we perceive to be similar to Penn State University's "Tri-reforming" Process, for CO2 and Methane conversion, which, as we have documented, has been published by PSU's Chunsan Song and Craig Grimes. 
Herein, via the attached link and enclosed document, Chinese researchers report improvements in the catalysis of the reaction between Carbon Dioxide and Methane, to synthesize the liquid fuel, and gasoline and plastics raw material, Methanol.
Some brief excerpts:
"Studies in Preparation of Gas for Methanol Synthesis by Methane Reforming with Steam and CO2
Tang, Song-Bai, et. al.
The Laboratory of Natural Gas Chemistry; Chengdu Inst. of Organic Chem.; Chinese Academy of Sciences
An experimental preparation of feedstock gas for methanol synthesis by methane reforming with steam and CO2 has been investigated with (a) newly prepared ... nickel-based catalyst ... (which) ... had excellent activity ... .  ... methane conversion reached 95% ... (with) ... no carbon deposition.
... A methane conversion of 95% was achieved. The synthesis gas for methanol production in industry can be produced (from CO2, methane and steam). ... The structure and properties of SYM 1 catalyst remained unchanged ... (and) SYM 1 catalyst may be used in industry."
As we have elsewhere documented, Methane can be manufactured from either Coal or, using the Sabatier or similar processes, Carbon Dioxide. Then, by using even more Carbon Dioxide, that methane can be synthesized into the liquid fuel and, as per the ExxonMobil MTG(r) Process, gasoline raw material, Methanol.