WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

China Recycles CO2 with Methane

We know that we're being, and have been, redundant to the point of burden. But, until the facts we are attempting to drive home are acknowledged openly, to the broader Coal Country public, we will keep drilling the face.
Herein, from China, we have even more confirmation of the truth that Carbon Dioxide can be used to "reform" Methane into "higher" hydrocarbons suitable for further processing, refining, into liquid fuels; and, into chemical manufacturing feed stocks for such important economic sectors as our plastics industry.
Comment follows:
"Effective reforming of methane with CO2 and O2 to low H2/CO ratio syngas over Ni/MgO–SiO2 using fluidized bed reactor
Q. S. Jing, J. H. Fei, H. Lou, L. Y. Mo and X. M. Zheng

Institute of Catalysis, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, PR China

Chemistry Department, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, PR China 

February 2004


Reforming of methane with CO2 and oxygen was used to produce low H2/CO ratio syngas over a Ni/MgO–SiO2 catalyst under certain reaction conditions. The effects of the reaction temperature, space velocity and feed gas composition were evaluated. The effect of catalyst fluidization on the conversion of methane was investigated over Ni/MgO–SiO2 and Pt–Ni/MgO–SiO2 catalysts. Circulation of Ni/MgO–SiO2 particles in the fluidized bed reactor gave much higher CH4 conversion than the case without circulation in the fixed bed reactor. This reactor effect was dependent on the catalyst properties. In addition, carbon deposition was inhibited in the fluidized bed reactor."

Seems like a lot of niggling detail, doesn't it?

That's one key point. They know how to combine Carbon Dioxide and Methane to make syngas - from which we already know, and have known since before WWII, how to make such interesting things as diesel fuel and gasoline. They are making this already-known technology, for combining methane and carbon dioxide to synthesize hydrocarbons, better. They know it can be done. They are at work on the details to make the doing of it more profitable.

Moreover, they seem to be refining an already-known catalyst for these reactions to make it more efficient. The various "SiO2" catalysts they name are, we believe, all zeolites, as is the key element in ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r), methanol-to-gasoline, Process, now being reduced to industrial practice in China, where the methanol, from which gasoline is made, is synthesized directly from coal.

And, as we have documented: Methane, too, can be generated from coal; unless we want to employ NASA's advanced Sabatier technology and make some of it, as well, from Carbon Dioxide.

Coal and Carbon Dioxide are connected by reflex in the minds of the American public. We don't think of one without thinking of the other. And, although that fact has, until now, caused everyone on both sides of the fence a lot of indigestion, it actually could be a good thing when everyone comes to realize that, when we do burn coal to generate the electricity we have to have to keep our homes bright and warm, we are creating a by-product, CO2, that, with a little tweaking, will let us keep our cars full of gasoline in the bargain.

All of that is, of course, on top of the fact that the technology is based on what could - if we were smart enough to put it to work - be 100% domestic, all-American resources; and, could thus, conceivably, help to keep 100% of all Americans employed.