WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

US EPA Says Convert Methane to Liquid Fuel

Herein, we document that even our own, United States Environmental Protection Agency knows that Methane can be converted into Liquid Fuel, and, by extension, other useful hydrocarbons.
In the excerpt, following, you will discover that they are proposing only to collect the Methane that might inadvertently be emitted from the actual processes of coal mining.
However, left unstated are the plain, now incontrovertible, facts, that Methane can be synthesized via both the Sabatier-type recycling of Carbon Dioxide, and the hydrogasification of Coal.

Comment follows:
"United States Air and Radiation Draft; Environmental Protection Agency
November 1998

EPA Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Technical Options Series
(We are unable to include a photo, featured on the web site, of what is billed as a "Commercial scale gas-to-liquids plant in Pueblo, Colorado fueled by landfill methane gas (1992)". But, it's plain: Someone thought enough of garbage to apply the technology to it. Similar regard, it seems, has not yet been extended, on a practical basis, to Coal.)
¨ Use of coal mine methane as a feedstock gas can improve synfuel economics
¨ Produces high-quality liquid fuels that can be easily transported
¨ Ideal for methane recovered from coal mines without pipeline access
¨ Use of coal mine methane reduces greenhouse gas emissions
¨ Can operate on medium-quality gob gas
(So, Methane, as can be produced from either Carbon Dioxide or Coal, via the Sabatier reaction or hydrogasification, "can improve synfuel economics" and "Produces high-quality liquid fuels".)

Why Consider Coal Mine Methane for Synfuel Production?
Coal mine methane may be a low-cost alternative to conventional natural gas for small gas-to-liquids plants.

Synthetic fuels are environmentally superior to conventional petroleum products.
(There you have it, as we've documented from other sources, from the EPA itself: "Synthetic fuels are environmentally superior to conventional petroleum".)
The market for high-quality diesel is increasing worldwide F or safety reasons, many gassy underground coal mines drain methane from their coal seams. Most coal mines vent this methane to the atmosphere, which not only represents the loss of a valuable fuel source, but also contributes to global warming, as methane is a potent greenhouse gas. While an increasing number of coal mines recover methane for pipeline injection, mines producing medium quality gas (typically less than 80% methane), or those not located near pipelines, look to other gas-use options. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the conversion of methane into liquid hydrocarbon fuels such as diesel, kerosene, and naphtha. Because liquids can be transported more efficiently than gas, energy producers are developing methane-to-liquid fuel technologies in areas where pipeline facilities may not be economically justified. As a result, locating a synfuel plant near a coal mine could enhance the economic viability of both methane recovery and synfuel production.
Although gas-to-liquids technologies have existed since the 1920s, the capital cost of conversion plants has hindered the economic feasibility of synfuels production. The most successful conversion of methane to liquid fuels to date is through Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis technology. The discovery of advanced catalysts during the past decade has greatly reduced the costs of the technology, thus making methane conversion plants smaller than 5,000 barrels per day economically possible. Currently, Syntroleum Corporation refines the Fischer-Tropsch chemistry using a proprietary catalyst that allows up to 30% N2 and CO2 in the feedstock gas. Using an iron-based catalyst, Rentech, Inc. successfully converts gas with methane concentrations as low as 40%. In addition, the Department of Energy is working with Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. to develop a novel ceramic membrane that could reduce the cost of converting natural gas to transportation-grade liquid fuels by 50%.
(We have documented for you the Air Products and Chemicals US Patent in this field.)
The products produced from these conversion processes are environmentally superior to many fuels because they are free of aromatics, nitrogen, and sulfur, and have a high centane number (clean burning properties). The quality of synthetic diesel fuel produced by the Fischer-Tropsch process is excellent, and therefore would be of special interest to underground coal mines operating or considering operating diesel equipment. In fact, these properties make synthetic diesel suitable as a blending component for upgrading conventional diesel fuels to meet stringent mining specifications.
Ten thousand cubic feet (10 mcf) of methane will produce approximately one barrel of liquid products
Plant sizes typically range from 2,000 to 20,000 barrels/day, but smaller plants may be feasible if low cost gas is available
At $0.50–1.00/mcf of methane, feedstock gas costs are $5-10/barrel, while estimated operating and maintenance costs (at 5,000 bbl/day) are $5-6/barrel
In an era of increasing environmental concerns, high-quality, sulfur-free diesel is readily sold on worldwide markets. For example, Royal Dutch/Shell Group produced synthetic diesel at its 12,500 b/d plant in Malaysia and sold it in California, because it met the stringent emission standards imposed by the California Air Resources Board. Synthetic diesel use can reduce (particulate - JtM) emissions (which represent a major problem for diesel engine exhaust) by 10% (or) up to 30%.
In addition, synthetic diesel can reduce NOx.
The success of coal mine methane recovery and use requires a reliable market for the gas, and synfuel plants seek ample (five million standard cubic feet per day or more) methane sources. A coal mine or a group of coal mines located close together could supply low-cost methane feedstock to gas-to-liquid plants. In return, the mines would have access to high-quality diesel and other fuels to meet the fuel needs of their mining equipment. The recovery of coal mine methane for use as a synfuel feedstock reduces emissions of this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.The continued development and refinement of gas-to-liquid technologies offers opportunities for coal mine operators and synfuel producers."
All well and good. Remember: We can make Methane from Coal and Carbon Dioxide. And, as we have elsewhere documented to the point of incontrovertibility, Methane can, aside from being catalyzed directly into liquid fuels, be used both to recycle Carbon Dioxide, via "Tri-reforming" processes, and to enhance and improve the conversion of Coal,  into liquid hydrocarbons, as in United States Patent 4687570: Direct use of Methane in Coal Liquefaction, which we recently reported to you.