WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Methane to Liquid Fuel; German 1933 US Patent

Patent US1905520

We have reported that, in 1912, Paul Sabatier was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for demonstrating that Carbon Dioxide could be recycled, converted, into the hydrocarbon gas, Methane.
We have also documented that, in 1931, Friedrich Bergius and Carl Bosch were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for independently and concurrently developing what were referred to, with conveyed anonymity, as "Chemical High Pressure Methods", and, which were, in fact, techniques for the conversion of Coal into hydrocarbons using indirect gasification techniques, wherein Methane and gaseous Carbon oxides are generated from Coal. 

It is, we assert, no coincidence that, in 1933, United States Patent 1905520, linked above, was awarded as follows:
"Conversion of methane into liquid hydrocarbons
Christian Steigerwald, on April 25, 1933.
Rights to the patent were assigned to: IG FARBENINDUSTRIE AG."
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You don't suppose, do you, since Sabatier demonstrated that Carbon Dioxide could be converted into Methane and Bergius demonstrated that Coal could be converted into Methane and gaseous oxides of Carbon, which could then be catalyzed into liquid hydrocarbons, a few years previous to issuance of this patent, that those awards had anything to do with this invention? Or, that those Nobel prizes and this US Patent had anything to do with the fact that Germany and Japan, with no domestic petroleum reserves of their own, were subsequently able to fuel vast armies with liquid fuels synthesized from coal?
In any case, our own United States Government has known, officially, since 1933, that Methane, as can be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide or Coal, can be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
How many gas lines have we waited through, since then? How many lives have we lost fighting foreign oil wars, since then? How much of our national wealth has been lost to the treasuries of alien oil powers, since then? How many jobs have been lost in US Coal Country, since then?