WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

US Nobel Laureate Patents CoalTL

United States Patent: 4433192
We remind you of our earlier submission detailing US Patent 7608743, issued, just last year, to the University of Southern California's 1994 Nobel Prize winner, George Olah, for the "Efficient and selective chemical recycling of carbon dioxide to methanol, dimethyl ether and derived products".
It turns out that Nobel Laureate Olah has been at work on Carbon conversion technology for quite some time. As evidence, we submit another, much earlier, US Patent awarded to him for technology to utilize Methane, as can be synthesized from the Sabatier-type recycling of Carbon Dioxide or, as affirmed again in this United States Patent, from the hydrogasification of Coal, to manufacture Gasoline.

Some excerpts from the enclosed link, with comment and highlighted passages following:
"United States Patent 4,433,192 - Condensation of natural gas or methane into gasoline range hydrocarbons

February 21, 1984
Inventor: George Olah (California)
This invention relates to a new process for the direct conversion of natural gas or methane into gasoline-range hydrocarbons (i.e., synthetic transportation fuels or lower olefins) via catalytic condensation using superacid catalysts.
Background Art:

The present state of art for production of synthetic fuels from either coal or natural gas (the two major possible raw materials) involves initial production of synthesis gas which is then either converted directly to hydrocarbons (Fischer-Tropsch) or converted first to methyl alcohol, which subsequently is converted into hydrocarbons (Mobil process).

The Fischer-Tropsch process, although proven commercially, is not the most economically desirable process for the future due to its two very energetic steps and unsuitable product composition. The Mobil process is capable of producing gasoline-range hydrocarbons and aromatics relatively free of heavies, but suffers from the disadvantageous economics of first producing synthesis gas, which is then converted into methyl alcohol, which in turn is converted into hydrocarbons.

My discovery follows an independent and new route by utilizing methane (or natural gas) as the basic raw material. Methane as natural gas or even biological "deep methane" is expected to be available well into the 2000's, and, if not utilized exclusively as an energy source but rather for transportation fuels and as a chemical raw material source, could last much longer. Furthermore, coal can be readily converted into methane by methanation or by in-situ gasification, thus avoiding difficulties in mining and transporting coal. Further, alternate sources of methane, such as the biological conversion of biomass (sewage recycling, utilization of plant life on land and sea [algae or kelp farming of the sea] with subsequent off shore conversion allowing the piping of methane to land), are becoming available. If in the future cheaper atomic or fusion energy becomes available, during off-peak periods, these plants could become producers of aluminum carbide which, upon hydrolysis, gives methane (with ethane and ethylene as by-products.) The conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons thus represents a viable new alternative to synthetic hydrocarbon processes."
First, note, in the title of the Patent: "natural gas or methane into gasoline". There is a difference, since, although this technology concerns the "conversion of methane to higher hydrocarbons", we must keep in mind that, as Olah asserts, "coal can be readily converted into methane", and such technology thus "represents a viable new alternative to synthetic hydrocarbon processes".
That is a US Nobel Laureate speaking, and his words have been officially confirmed by our US Government, as represented by the US Patent Office.