WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE Says Recycle CO2 to CH4

From our own, US Department of Energy, we have further assessment of the potential for actually using the Carbon Dioxide by-product of our Coal use to provide us with a "Sustainable Fossil Fuels Future".
However, it is also further exposure of the CO2 sequestration swindle that is being foisted on the United States Coal Industry and, by extension, on every US citizen who benefits, or might benefit, from the mining and use of Coal.
By promoting the geologic sequestration of CO2, and by revealing the fact that CO2 in such sequestration can, and will, be converted into Methane through the action of methanogenic bacteria, our US Government herein, inadvertently we suspect, exposes the scam.

Comment follows excerpts, deliberately minimal due to all the unnecessary bureaucratic blather and genuflections to climate sensitivity correctness, from:
David J. Beecy and Frank M. Ferrell, US. Department of Energy; James K. Carey, Energetics, Inc. 
Abstract: Various geologic settings are beginning to be examined aspossible sinks for storage of CO2. These include depleting and depleted oil and gas reservoirs, deep unmineable coal seams, and deep saline or brine formations. It is well known that there are many methanogens in nature which convert CO2 to CH4. Some of these are extremeophiles, existing at high temperatures and pressures. At least one has been the subject of genome mapping. It is also known that “directed development” is a methodology that is being utilized to develop “designer microbes” with selected or enhanced traits. The concept described here is that through a coordinated biological, chemical, and geophysical effort, either designer microbes or biomimetic systems can be developed to produce closed-loop fossil fuel systems. In such systems, geologic repositories of CO2 could be converted to CH4, thereby closing the fuel cycle in a sustainable manner.
This paper is an early output from an ongoing investigation of the state-of-the-art related to the concept of geologic storage of CO2 with subsequent conversion to methane. In most of the areas reviewed, the research has been performed for reasons other than that which is the focus of this paper - carbon management in response to global climate change.
Under virtually any ... scenario, fossil fuels will remain the mainstay of energy production for the foreseeable future.

Natural CO2 reservoirs are relatively common. They are in fact commercially exploited for CO2 production for commodity use.
(A fact not often discussed: CO2 itself does have potential for "commodity use" - JtM)
In addition to these comparatively pure CO2 reservoirs, CO2 is found in many other formations. Reservoirs of various kinds exist throughout the world containing mixtures of CO2, methane, and various other fluids.
Methanogenesis is a biological process which is widely found in nature. Methanogenic bacteria generate methane by several pathways, principally the fermentation of acetate and the reduction of CO2.
Generally a consortium, or food chain of microbial organisms, operates together to effect a series of biochemical reactions in the production of methane in energy-yielding cellular processes. Methanogens are anaerobic bacteria of the family Archaea, and are found in such diverse environments as landfills, digestive systems of animals, in deep ocean vents, and in coal seams. Chemosynthetic communities are found in close association with cold hydrocarbon seeps, for example, and demonstrate complex relationships that include the mineralization of CO2 as well as methanogenesis. In one location, sampling of hydrocarbon gases from ocean-floor cold hydrocarbon seeps in Monterey Bay, California suggest that most of the methane produced is microbial in origin. In coal seams, methanogens may increase coal bed methane production. Laboratory study of microbially enhanced coal bed methane processes indicate that microbial consortia can increase gas production through conversion of coal and enhancement of formation permeability, leading to the potential for substantially increased methane production.
(Note: "In one location, sampling of hydrocarbon gases ...  suggest that most of the methane produced is microbial in origin" and "study of microbially enhanced coal bed methane processes indicate that microbial consortia can increase gas production through conversion of coal". - JtM)
In general, methane in the earth’s crust may be formed by both biogenic (that is, the conversion of Organic matter) and abiogenic processes. The vast majority appears to be biogenic in origin, ... . (and) ... While the portion generated by methanogen varies, there is strong evidence that it may be the predominant mechanism in some fields. ...  It appears that they may be significant recharge of reservoir methane in a timeframe (decades) that is significant to commercial uses.
(Note: Methane can be generated from Carbon Dioxide ... "in some (oil) fields" ... "in a timeframe (decades) that is significant to commercial uses." - JtM) 
Developments in genetic decoding, gene sequencing, identification of novel enzymes, and selection of desirable traits have the potential to result in enhanced CO2 to CH4 conversion processes. The potential exists for both improved biological processes using engineered biological systems, or processes that mimic biologically-based catalysts and processes (biomimetics). For example, advances in the “directed development” of microorganisms offers the potential for enhancing biochemical processes and pathways of interest for commercial applications.
(Who will profit from such "commercial applications" related to geologic sequestration of CO2? - JtM)
In the area of biological or biomimetic advanced concepts, a number of potential CO2 sequestration
pathways have been discussed, including mineralization of CO2 to carbonates. One such approach is the enzymatic catalysis of CO, to carbonic acid and thence to carbonate materials. A second major pathway is methanogenesis. Extremophile organisms have been isolated from deep-sea ocean vents where they live at high temperatures and pressures. One such organism, Methanococcus jannaschii, was first isolated at a hydrothermal vent in the Pacific Ocean, and is currently the subject of genome mapping under the U.S. DOE Microbial Genome Mapping Program. These extremophile characteristics may be compatible with conditions in oil- and gas-producing formations. Alternatively, compatible characteristics could be obtained through directed development.
(We must infer that "directed development" = genetic engineering. - JtM)
The conceptual system proposed here would close the carbon-cycle loop for fossil energy by converting CO2 produced by power plants into CH4 for subsequent power production. It would consist of the following:

The development of an enhanced microbial consortium to produce CH4 at a commercially-useful rate.
The use of depleting or depleted oil or gas reservoirs, or saline reservoirs, as storage sites for captured CO2. CO2 has historically been widely used in enhanced oil recovery operations.

The use of the enhanced microbial consortium in a reservoir to convert the stored CO2 to CH4:

The reservoir would largely be left alone for a period of 10 years to several decades while the microbial consortium operated, with reservoir monitoring to assess gas composition. As CH4 evolved over time, it would be produced through the existing field well and collection structure.
(In other words, commercially-valuable Methane, generated from the CO2 that the Coal industry and the consumers of Coal products paid to be pumped to and into geologic reservoirs, "would be produced through the existing field well and collection structure", i.e., by, and for the profit of, the oil company that owns and profitably drained the oil field in the first place. - JtM)

An alternative approach would be to perform the conversion above-ground in rapid-contact reactors. This would assume a biomimetic pathway with kinetics greatly enhanced over the reservoir approach.
(Let's do that, "perform the conversion above-ground", instead, near the point of production, i.e., in such mundane locales as West Virginia and Pennsylvania, and let those folks make the profit. We have thoroughly documented the practical science and technology for above-ground, industrial conversion. - JtM)
The attainment of “closed-loop” fossil fuel carbon cycles could provide the energy supply needed for economic security and environmental quality over the next century while renewable energy sources develop.
Geologic storage of CO, with subsequent biological or biomimetic conversion to CH4 would provide one such closed cycle.

The closed loop process would enable continued use of hydrocarbon fuels without requiring a totally decarbonized fuel product or total conversion of the energy infrastructure to a hydrogen-based economy.

The process would support sustainable, closed-loop energy production without the large surface-area requirements and impacts of biomass, wind, or photovoltaic systems. When combined with other pathways to permanent sequestration (e.g.,mineralization), it would provide a more robust basis for a zero-carbon fossil energy infrastructure. The authors wish to interest researchers from various disciplines in beginning an open and extended dialogue on the potential of novel concepts, such as one discussed here, in developing science and technology options to mitigate global climate change. The role of novel science and technology
approaches will be critical to the development of effective mechanisms to stabilize greenhouse gas
If you have been following our posts on the topic of CO2 utilization, you know he does.
Methane, once synthesized biologically or synthetically from Carbon Dioxide, can be directly converted into liquid fuels; or, it can be used to enhance processes of indirect Coal liquefaction and thereby increase the production of liquid fuels; or, it can be reformed with even more Carbon Dioxide to make liquid fuels.
All as we have documented, all as we will continue to document.