WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Stockpiling CO2 - US Patent Application

Patent US20090320356
Our headline might seem misleading after first glance at the title of this US Patent Application. But, utilizing Carbon Dioxide as an energy reserve, we assure you, is precisely what it is all about.
We have previously cited the University of Southern California's Nobel Prize winner, George Olah, and his USC colleague, Surya Prakesh, in our dispatches to the West Virginia Coal Association concerning the straightforward and commercial utilization, the recycling, of Carbon Dioxide; as opposed to the mandated storage, the "sequestration", of it, under almost blatantly false and misleading pretenses, in nearly-depleted petroleum reservoirs.
Herein, in this very recent patent application, we see the Nobel-certified genius, Dr. Olah, running a strategic end-around play on the Petroleum Industry's Carbon Dioxide geologic sequestration scam.
We present following, via the enclosed link and attached document, with comment appended, only the briefest of excerpts from:
"Application 20090320356:  Stockpiling Methanol And/Or Dimethyl Ether for Fuel and Energy Reserves
Inventors: George Olah and Surya Prakesh - California
Published: December 31, 2009
Abstract: The present invention relates to a method of stockpiling a fuel source by storing methanol or dimethyl ether in appropriate storage facilities to provide an alternative fuel source that can be used to avoid shortages due to unavailability, limited availability or expensive costs of oil.
Field of Invention: The invention relates to methods of stockpiling alternative fuel sources by storing methanol and/or dimethyl ether to provide an alternative fuel source, wherein the stored methanol and/or dimethyl ether can be produced by chemical recycling of naturally-existing, readily available compounds such as Carbon Dioxide ... .
Summary: One embodiment of the invention relates to a method of stockpiling a fuel source by storing methanol or dimethyl ether ... . The storage facility can be a ... salt dome ... . Stored methanol can be made by reductive conversion of carbon dioxide obtained from ... an exhaust stream from a fossil fuel burning ... plant ... or the atmosphere."
In honesty, the full implications of this patent application haven't really sunk in for us. If you contemplate it for a while, you begin to realize that, if it's finally awarded and does, unlike other energy conversion patents we've called to your attention, get some public exposure, it could have far-reaching impact.
Here's one of them: If our vital Coal industries are, finally, compelled by law to start collecting their effluent Carbon Dioxide and shipping it, in one form or another, off to help Big Oil scrape some last dregs from his shriveling reservoirs, then, we could either convert it first into Methanol, and charge him for a valuable finished product; or, we could just pipe the Carbon Dioxide to him and charge him for the supply of a valuable raw material.
Big Oil, as we've said ourselves, using the same word, would be "stockpiling" CO2, not "sequestering" it.
It turns the whole Carbon Dioxide "thing" on it's head. A "thing" which should never have been allowed to get on it's feet in the first place, after George Olah's fellow Nobel Laureate, Paul Sabatier, showed us early in the last century that Carbon Dioxide could be converted into Methane.
Well, better late than never. Let's just not let it get any later than it is. We need to put a stop, now, to the Carbon Dioxide sequestration swindle; and, quit wasting time playing Cap & Trade shell games.
Carbon Dioxide, as is produced in a small way, relative to natural sources of emission, such as volcanoes and seasonal vegetative rot, by our vital Coal industries, is a valuable raw material.