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More China Coal-Methane Co-Conversion

ScienceDirect - Fuel Processing Technology : Experimental study of synthesis gas production by coal and natural gas co-conver.
We have lately been extolling the many virtues of Methane, as can be synthesized, via Sabatier technology, from Carbon Dioxide.
Aside from our documented ability to use Methane to recycle more Carbon Dioxide, reacting the two together in "tri-reforming" processes, such as explained by scientists at Penn State University; and, aside from being able to convert Methane directly into liquid fuels, as demonstrated by the multiple US Patents for such technology held by ARCO, and by other patented technology dating back to the 1930's; we can also use Methane, as we have reported from multiple sources, to enhance the productivity of indirect Coal conversion processes targeted on the manufacture of liquid fuels.
Herein, from China, we have further confirmation of that last fact.
Comment follows excerpts from the above link:
"Experimental study of synthesis gas production by coal and natural gas co-conversion process
Zhaobin Ouyang, et. al.; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, PR China
March 2006
Abstract: A moving bed was used as the reactor in experiments to produce synthesis gas by coal and natural gas co-conversion process. The effects of coal types on the temperature in the flame zone, the ingredients and the H2/CO ratio of synthesis gas, together with the methane and steam conversions were investigated by using coke, anthracite, lean and fat coals as the raw materials. By comparing the results between coals and coke, it can be seen that the temperatures in the flame zone and the content of the active compounds (H2, CO) of coals are higher than those of coke. In addition, the H2/CO ratio of synthesis gas closes to the calculated value by thermodynamic equilibrium. For the produced crude synthesis gas with coals by coal and natural gas co-conversion process, in which the H2/CO ratio varies in 1.0–2.0, the content of the active compounds (H2, CO) is more than 92%, and the residual methane is less than 2%, the methane and steam conversion rates are more than 90% and 75%, respectively. All these results demonstrated that the concept of coal and natural gas co-conversion process is positive and feasible."
The Abstract is a little too condensed for much detailed analysis to be made, or for very many conclusions to be drawn. However, it seems clear that Methane, as can be produced from either Carbon Dioxide, via the Sabatier technology, or from Coal, via steam gasification, can improve the process of generating hydrogenated synthesis gas, "syngas", from an apparent variety of Coals; syngas that can, although left unstated herein, then be catalyzed via Fischer-Tropsch, or related, technology and thus condensed into liquid hydrocarbons.
In fact, "All" of the "results" from this Chinese research, wherein Methane is used to enhance and improve the conversion of Coal into a valuable hydrocarbon raw material "demonstrated that the ... coal and natural gas co-conversion process" is not only "feasible", but "positive".
Positive. That's a good word, we think, that should be applied to our thinking about our Gasoline shortages and our economic enslavement to OPEC, and their kin. Instead of all the negative, make-do, fire-break solutions so far promoted, let's just face the problem and dig our way through it - one shovel full of Coal at a time.
If we finally accept the realities that we can start producing all of the liquid fuels we need from both Coal, and from recycled Carbon Dioxide in the form of Methane, we can stop all the wasteful BS'ing around the fire about our problems and get to work in a positive way, at long last, solving those problems.