WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Korea Seeks US CO2 Recycling Patent

Ni-based catalyst for tri-reforming of methane and its catalysis application for the production of syngas - Patent application
Subsequent to our earlier reports of Carbon Dioxide recycling developments in Korea, we herein learn that Korean scientists have applied for a United States Patent on the Tri-reforming conversion of Carbon Dioxide and Methane into "syngas" - synthesis gas, which, as you should, from our posts, by now know can then be catalyzed, via Fischer-Tropsch and related techniques, such as the Shell Middle Distillate Synthesis process, to synthesize liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

Comment follows excerpts from:
Patent Application Title: Ni-based Catalyst for Tri-reforming Methane and .. Production of Syngas
(We have as yet been unable to track down a precise date of the filing. Based on the application's government-assigned serial number, we believe it to have been in 2008. - JtM)
Inventors: Dong Ju Moon, et. al.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a Ni-based catalyst for preparing syngas and a tri-reforming reaction of methane using the catalyst, particularly to a Ni-based catalyst, where an active ingredient (a nickel) is impregnated in a zirconia support and the zirconia is doped with a yttrium and a metal selected among a lanthanum and an alkaline earth metal to distort the crystal lattice of the zirconia, to facilitate the transfer of oxygen ion and to increase the storage and supply of oxygen, thus inhibiting the carbon deposition on the active nickel metal and maintaining the activity of the catalyst. Particularly, if the catalyst herein is used for the tri-reforming reaction of methane where a mixture of carbon dioxide, oxygen and steam is used as an oxidant, the molar ratio of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the syngas may be selectively controlled.
1. A Ni-based catalyst of Formula (1) for the tri-reforming reaction of methane, wherein a nickel metal is supported on a zirconia support doped with yttrium (Y) and a metal selected from the group consisting of a lanthanum and an alkaline earth metal ... .

4. A process for producing syngas, which comprises the step of performing a tri-reforming reaction of methane by supplying a mixture of carbon dioxide, steam and oxygen over the Ni-based catalyst according to claim 1.
Syngas with high carbon monoxide content (H2:CO=1:1) may be prepared by performing a reaction using carbon dioxide. The produced syngas may be utilized in manufacture of dimethyl ether (DME).
Moreover, carbon deposition is inhibited to improve the catalyst deactivation and the molar ratio of hydrogen and carbon monoxide (H2/CO) in syngas may also be selectively controlled. Thus obtained syngas may be usefully utilized in preparing dimethyl ether (DME), methanol and higher alcohol."
So, we can obtain the versatile fuel, DME, from reacting Carbon Dioxide with Methane, which can itself be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide, using the Nobel-winning Sabatier technology; or, from Coal, via processes of steam-, or hydro-, gasification.
"Higher alcohol" can be made, as well; presumably alcohols that can be themselves transformed into, or used as, liquid transportation fuels; or, used as raw materials for the manufacture of plastics and other valuable products.
This Korean, patent-applied for CO2 recycling technology sounds very much like the Tri-reforming process explained best so far by Penn State University.
If you recall some of our earlier posts, we are of the belief that China has applied for international patents on a process we see as being very, very similar to WVU's "West Virginia Process" for direct Coal liquefaction.
Is this another case of an enterprising, forward-thinking eastern nation taking charge of a valuable technology that few people, in the birthplace of that technology, apparently know about; or, if they know, care?