WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

British CO2 + CH4 = Syngas Patent

Patent US5431855
We've documented multiple United States Patents, held both by domestic petroleum corporations and foreign nationals, detailing how Methane can be converted into liquid hydrocarbons from which liquid transportation fuels can be refined.
Of most interest to us, herein, keeping in mind that Methane can be synthesized, via the Nobel-winning Sabatier process, from Carbon Dioxide; and, via hydro-gasification techniques, from Coal; is that the Methane, as in Penn State University's Tri-reforming technology and in at least one US-patented Korean version of Tri-reforming, is combined with additional Carbon Dioxide to effect it's conversion into synthesis gas, "Syngas".
Comment follows excerpts from:
"Process for the Conversion of Methane to Synthesis Gas - United States Patent 5,431,855
Date: July 11, 1995
Inventor: Malcom Green, et. al.; all of Great Britain
Assignee: British Gas plc, London
Abstract: A method of converting a reactant gas mixture of CO2, O2 and CH4 comprises contacting the reactant gas at 750 - 850C with a solid catalyst, which is a ... transition metal or oxide ... on a metal oxide support ... which selectively converts the reactant gas into a product gas mixture comprising H2 and CO."
Well, a "gas mixture comprising H2 and CO" is, as the title of this US Patent indicates, "Synthesis Gas".
And, once we have synthesis gas, syngas, as herein made from Carbon Dioxide combined with Methane, which can itself be made from Carbon Dioxide, we can utilize Fischer-Tropsch, and related, such as Shell Oil's Middle Distillate Synthesis, catalytic technology to convert that syngas into a variety of liquid hydrocarbons; liquid hydrocarbons that can be both processed in our domestic US liquid fuel infrastructure, and, then utilized in our US transportation fleet.
Why, we must ask, yet again, are we US citizens, especially we citizens resident in US Coal Country, allowing ourselves to be victimized by Big Oil greed; scared by false reports of dwindling oil supplies; coerced into supporting and defending tyrannical and predatory OPEC regimes; and, burdening our vital Coal industries with surreptitious taxation schemes like Cap & Trade and larcenous scams like enforced Geologic Sequestration in fading petroleum reservoirs to subsidize Big Oil's pot-scraping?