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California Writes CoalTL Book for USDOE

Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - - Document #766412
The enclosed report "Coal Gasification: Direct Applications and Synthesis of Chemicals and Fuels", all 500+ pages of it, was published, inexplicably, not by West Virginia University or the University of Pittsburgh; but, under contract to our United States Department of Energy, by the University of California in San Diego.
Excepting Alaska and Hawaii, that's just about as far away as you can get from the Ohio Valley aorta of United States Coal Country, and still be in the United States.
Our supposition is that, outside of military bases, neither Hawaii nor Alaska had, at that time, more than two decades ago, the computer capacity to handle all the information. And, even so, our USDOE, based on what we perceive to be their past behavior relative to the truth of Coal conversion, probably would have preferred to publish this good news about Coal in American Samoa, if not our outpost in Antarctica, in any case.
But, California did publish it, and our Government has it; and, if anyone in Coal Country has the high-speed connections and computer capacity to handle it, they can learn all about how Coal Gasification technology can be harnessed to manufacture needed fuels and chemicals.
Some specifics are:
"Title: Coal Gasification: Direct Applications and Syntheses of Chemicals and Fuels; June 1987; 506 pages
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DOI: 10.2172/766412
Authors: S.S. Penner, S.B. Albert, et. al.
OSTI ID: 766412; Report Number: DOE/ER-0326; DOE Contract: AC01-85ER30076
Research Organization: University of California, San Diego, CA
Sponsoring Organization: US Department of Energy"
And, that, sadly and predictably, is all we can tell you. Exploration of the links reveal that hard copies of the report can, supposedly, be had - at a price.
But, we think the title, and the dates, and the organizations involved, should be information enough for genuine Coal Country patriots to be motivated to track it down and bring the truth - that Coal can, cleanly and efficiently, be converted into the other forms of fuel and energy we need - Home.