WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

WVU, Pitt & Penn State Present CoalTL

We might, some time ago, have alerted you to the 234th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, held in late August of 2007, in Boston, MA.
They had a special segment there devoted to fuels, and, within that segment, an even more special symposium on:  Coal Conversion to Clean Liquid and Gaseous Fuels .
West Virginia University, the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University, among an impressive array of others, were all represented there, and we herein present a selection of their offerings.
Comment follows excerpts from the ACS program:
"FUEL 81 - Upgrading Fischer-Trospch waxes into jet/diesel fuels on anion-modified zirconia
Upgrading Fischer-Tropsch Waxes into Jet/Diesel Fuels
Yulong Zhang, et. al.; Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
Abstract: Fischer-Tropsch waxes and model hydrocarbons (C36) were converted to jet/diesel fuel sat 200C and 300 psi H2 pressure on Pt promoted anion-modified zirconia, and hybrid catalysts. The reaction temperature and pressure are significantly lower than the conventional bifunctional catalysts, i.e. Pt silica-alumina catalysts. The hybrid catalyst, PtWZr/SZr, is essentially a physical mixture of PtWZr and SZr components, however, a beneficial interaction was observed in terms of the activity and selectivity to jet/diesel fuels. By taking advantage of the hydrocracking property of PtWZr and the hydroismerization property of SZr, the yield of middle distillates was enhanced. The catalyst performance could be adjusted by varying the component ratios of PtWZr to SZr and by varying hydrogen pressure at a given temperature. Proper balance hydrocracking and hydroisomerization functions allow us to tune products to middle distillates.
FUEL 84 - Development of coal-based jet fuel
Development of Coal-based Jet Fuel
Carline Burgess Clifford, et. al.; The Energy Institute, Penn State University
Abstract: We are developing coal-to-liquid processes that differ from traditional direct and indirect liquefaction. Notably, they could be used to introduce coal-derived chemicals or coal into existing oil refinery operations. The present aim of this work is to develop a coal-based replacement for conventional jet fuel. One process involves blending naphthalene-indene products into light cycle oil, followed by hydrotreatment and fractionation. Sources of these materials could be coal tar from coke plans, tar from gasification, or solvent extracts of coals. Pilot-scale testing of this process indicates that a prototype fuel meets most of the current specifications for JP-8. Combustion tests in a turboshaft engine show emissions to be generally comparable to those from control experiments with JP-8. The second process involves addition of pulverized bituminous coal to the decant oil or atmospheric resid feed to a delayed coker. The liquid from the coker would be hydrotreated and fractionated to provide the desired products. The coke by-product has potential value as, for example, filler for the production of synthetic molded graphites.
FUEL 85 - Direct liquefaction of coal using low hydrogenation levels
Direct Liquefaction of Coal Using Low Hydrogenation Levels
Elliot Kennel, et. al.; Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University
Abstract: This article discusses means by which coal can be liquefied with as little as 0.5 weight percent addition of hydrogen, and the value-added products that can be manufactured. Historically, direct liquefaction has been used to produce synthetic crudes with characteristics analogous to petroleum crudes; i.e., the aim has been to achieve a synthetic crude which resembles sweet light petroleum crude as much as possible. Because coals have lower hydrogen-to-carbon ratio (mH/mC) than light petroleum crude, this means that about ten mass percent hydrogen must be added to the coal feedstock in order to give it the desired properties. In addition, coals tend to contain a high percentage of aromatic chemicals, which are less well suited to transportation fuels. Thus, extensive refining is required to convert coal to a light aliphatic crude. With less hydrogen consumption and less refining, coal feedstocks are likely to result in a heavy, aromatic synthetic crude rather than a light aliphatic crude. Yet, heavy aromatic crudes can be refined to produce value-added finished products, albeit with a somewhat different product suite than would be normally obtained from lighter crudes. In particular, the distillation “bottoms” from liquefied coal can result in value-added products such as mesophase pitch, binder pitch, impregnation pitch, needle grade coke, and anode grade coke, all of which are commodity products with established markets. A major application is the development of anode grade carbon for use in metals smelting
FUEL 107 - Conversion of coal and biomass to clean burning DME
Conversion of Coal and Biomass to Clean Burning DME
Nicole Reed, et. al.; Department of Energy & Geo-Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
Abstract: Dimethyl ether (DME) offers excellent benefits as an alternative fuel in that it can be used at high efficiency and with low emissions, is readily stored and transported, provides high well-to-wheel efficiency and is safe and reliable. It can be derived from natural gas, coal, and cellulosic biomass, including “black liquor” from pulp and paper mills, wood, agricultural products, or municipal waste. Thus, DME is an excellent candidate for co-processing of coal and biomass feedstocks to make ultra clean fuels. In this paper, we examine the technology for DME production via a combination of coal and black liquor gasification.
FUEL 110 - Effect of catalysts on carbon-assisted water electrolysis to produce H2 at room temperature
Effect of Catalysts on Carbon-assisted Water Electrolysis to Produce H2 at Room Temperature
Mohindar Seehra, et. al.; Department of Physics, West Virginia University
Abstract: In a recent paper ... we have reported that with the use of an activated carbon in the anode compartment, pure H2 is produced in carbon-assisted water electrolysis at applied voltages ... as low as 0.2V, compared to  1.23V needed for unassisted water electrolysis. However, the kinetics of the reaction at the lower voltages is slower. In this work, we will report on the use of catalysts to improve the kinetics of this reaction at the energy-efficient lower voltages."
The final paper we cite, "FUEL 110", relating to the economical production of Hydrogen, pertains directly, we surmise, to having Hydrogen available for some processes of Coal liquefaction and Carbon Dioxide recycling, where catalysts assist in the further hydrogenation of carbonaceous liquid products resulting from both processes into useable hydrocarbons. We're fairly certain that WVU has absolutely no interest in seeing little Hindenberg's masquerading as Dodge mini-vans sailing down I-79 at 70 MPH.
And, there are, obviously, a significant number of other reports available from this American Chemical Society shindig that should have been, and still should be, of great interest to any and all citizens of US Coal Country - all of them that have a genuine interest in Coal, and in how the full employment of Coal could lead the United States to independence from overseas oil supplies, and result in genuine prosperity for US Coal Country.