WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Coal Hydrogenation via Steam

Process of producing water gas
We feel it necessary to persist in confirming that the needed Hydrogen, for Coal hydrogenation and liquefaction processes, can be extracted on a practical basis from plain old H2O.
In the enclosed United States Patent, we see that Germany was again telegraphing her WWII Coal synthetic fuels punch by revealing that fact.
Comment follows excerpts from:
"United States Patent 1,921,711 - Process of Producing Water Gas
Date: August, 1933
Inventor: Paul Wangeman, Germany
Abstract: The present invention relates to a process for producing water gas. ... The advantages of the new process consist therein, that any kind of fuel, such as coal, lignite, peat, dirty coal ... can be used ... . The fuel ... is heated ... (and) steam vapor is introduced ... so that water gas is produced continuously."
"Water gas", we submit without linking additional reference, is just Hydrogen-enriched Syngas. And, once we have such hydrogenated Coal synthesis gas, as we have shown, a pair of other German citizens, the gentlemen Fischer and Tropsch, explained to us that we can condense it into liquid hydrocarbons suitable for fueling entire, vast, armies.
So, again, if we want to hydrogenate our Coal to make liquid fuels, we can do it with Steam, and Heat.