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WV's Senators & "Stopping New Cap & Trade" - The Intelligencer

Stopping New Cap and Trade - News, Sports, Jobs - The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
As excerpted from your enclosed and attached piece:
"a new cap and trade bill could be killed by just two senators - Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. Rockefeller and Byrd "could kill this in five minutes if they really wanted to".
Give 'em some ammo to kill it with.
CO2 can be recycled.
If you haven't been receiving/reading our posts, then check out the WV Coal Association's web site.
The evidence that Carbon Dioxide can be treated as a valuable raw material resource, especially as it emerges in more concentrated form from smokestacks, and even as extracted from the atmosphere itself, is rather overwhelming.
If you need a recap of the available, documented info, all from rather impeccable sources, let us know.
Stopping New Cap and Trade
POSTED: May 2, 2010 
Little is known about the climate change bill pending in the Senate, but West Virginians have good reason to worry about it. If it is anything like the cap and trade measure proposed last year - and approved by the House of Representatives - its enactment would be a disaster for everyone in our state.
President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi make no secret of their desire to slam the coal industry with draconian new carbon pollution limits. Those contained in the 2009 cap and trade bill would have devastated the coal industry, on which West Virginians depend. They also would have increased the price of electricity generated at coal-fired plants, resulting in much higher utility bills for most Mountain State residents and businesses.
That's the bad news - that Obama, Reid, Pelosi and their liberal chums still don't care about the welfare of people in states that rely on coal.
But there is good news, as political analyst and columnist Dick Morris reminded a crowd in Wheeling last week.
Morris, speaking at the annual Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce banquet, emphasized that a new cap and trade bill could be killed by just two senators - Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.
Rockefeller and Byrd "could kill this in five minutes if they really wanted to," Morris stressed. They would only need to "march into the Oval Office" and inform Obama that if he pushes for cap and trade or anything like it, neither Byrd nor Rockefeller would ever vote for another bill favored by the president.
Morris is correct. Given the balance of Democrats and Republicans in the Senate, Byrd and Rockefeller could stymie Obama's agenda by voting against it.
That may sound to some like a drastic step - and it would be. But if Obama is permitted to continue his assault on coal, West Virginians will be hurt badly. Stopping the liberal campaign should be the very top priority of Byrd and Rockefeller.
Our state's two senators should do just what Morris suggested - if they truly intend to represent and defend the people of West Virginia.