WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

More Mobil Coal to High Octane Gasoline

United States Patent: 4049734
On April 17 of this year, the West Virginia Coal Association posted our dispatch reporting: "United States Patent 3,972,958 - Conversion of Coal to High-Octane Gasoline; August, 1976; Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation".
Pursuant to recent discoveries we've made in the literature, and which we plan soon to report on, involving the early development of Coal conversion and liquefaction technologies, using procedures developed by a noted Coal industry scientist, by the corporate predecessors of Mobil Oil, we wanted to again affirm that Mobil Oil, and, by extension ExxonMobil and the entire petroleum industry; and, our own United States Government, know full well that Coal can be efficiently converted into high-performance liquid fuels. And, they have, as herein officially, known that for at least 33 years.
Following, with what we think to be important comment appended, are deliberately brief excerpts from, relative to USP 3,972,958, the redundantly-titled:
"United States Patent 4,049,734 - Conversion of Coal to High Octane Gasoline
Date: September, 1977
Inventor: William Garwood, et. al.; NJ
Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation, NY
Abstract: An integrated process for converting coal to high octane gasoline by gasifying the coal in such manner as to form a gas comprising carbon oxides, hydrogen and methane; contacting this gas in one or a series of steps with one or a series of catalysts, respectively comprising a special high silica to alumina ratio zeolite; converting the carbon oxides and hydrogen by such contact to a product comprising water, high octane aromatic gasoline and light hydrocarbon gases; alkylating the C3 and C4 olefins with the isobutane in the light gases to produce alkylate gasoline; admixing the aromatic and alkylate gasolines; and subjecting the C2 portion of the product to catalytic methanation via a nickel catalyst to produce synthetic natural gas."
For 33 years, we, the United States of America, have, as herein officially and incontrovertibly, known that we can convert Coal into both "high octane aromatic gasoline" and "synthetic natural gas", concurrently, in one integrated process.
A "synthetic natural gas", we submit, which could then be tri-reformed with imported Carbon Dioxide, as explained by Penn State University in earlier of our reports, to synthesize additional liquid hydrocarbons.
But, we continue to allow our national economy to suffer extortion at the hands of OPEC; and, we continue to allow our vital Coal-use industries to suffer abuse at the hands of misguided, we contend deliberately misinformed, environmentalists - who, we insist, are being used as the unwitting tools of influence by organized economic interest groups.