WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

The US Owns CO2 to Methanol Technology

United States Patent: 3959094 
We have recorded for you that corporate proxies of our US Department of Defense, including United Technologies and Hamilton Standard, own patented technologies, which we presume to have been developed under government contract, for the recycling of Carbon Dioxide, extracted from the environment, into liquid fuels.
We have also reported on the Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies developed, and being developed, at several of our US DOE's National Laboratories, including Los Alamos, Sandia and Brookhaven.
From the Brookhaven, New York, National Laboratory, we have cited, and will further cite, the Carbon conversion work of Meyer Steinberg. 

Toward that end, we just discovered the jewel we enclose herein.
Our United States Government, as embodied at the Brookhaven Laboratory, more than thirty years ago, developed, and claimed ownership of, an efficient technology to convert Carbon Dioxide, as extracted from the atmosphere, into the valuable liquid fuel, and versatile raw material for the manufacture of Gasoline and Plastics, Methanol.
Comment follows excerpts from:
"United States Patent 3,959,094 - Electrolytic Synthesis of Methanol from CO2
Date: May, 1976
Inventor: Meyer Steinberg, NY
Assignee: The United States of America, DC
Abstract: A method and system for synthesizing methanol from the CO2 in air using electric power. The CO2 is absorbed by a solution of KOH to form K2CO3 which is electrolyzed to produce methanol, a liquid hydrocarbon fuel.
Background: This invention was made during the course of, or under a contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
Claims: The method of synthesizing CH3OH (Methanol) comprising the steps of:

a. passing air containing CO2 into contact with an aqueous solution of KOH in an absorber to cause absorption of CO2 from the air by said KOH producing an aqueous solution containing K2CO3 ;

b. passing the solution of K2CO3 through an electrolytic cell having an anode and cathode wherein a DC potential is applied to cause electrolysis of the carbonate, methanol being produced at said cathode, and KOH and O2 being formed at said anode, said O2 being released;

c. passing the aqueous solution of CH3OH and KOH also containing K2CO3 out of said cell followed by removing the CH3OH from said solution; and

d. adding make-up water to the remaining solution and returning same to said absorber.

2. The method of claim 1 in which the CH3OH is removed from solution by distillation.
Summary: The present invention makes it possible to utilize the electrical power produced in a power plant to convert water and CO2 from the air to produce methanol fuel.

By the process described above, it is seen that any source of electrical power may be employed, such as coal-fired power plants."
Note, that, even though this technology was developed "under a contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission", Steinberg posits that spare electricity, from "coal-fired power plants" "may be employed" to convert Carbon Dioxide extracted from the atmosphere into the valuable Methanol. 
And, more than thirty years later, the same government that owns this technology is allowing it's Coal Country citizens to get kicked around by Cap and Trade tax extortions, and, by mandated Geologic Sequestration scams?
And, it's still allowing it's national domestic wealth, it's own economy, to be sapped by foreign OPEC oil powers?
Are we, the US Citizens of US Coal Country, going to continue lounging about, doing idle things with our thumbs, and allowing all of that to happen?