WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Saudi Arabia CO2 to Methanol

Do we really want to, a few years down the road, still be forced to buy our gasoline from OPEC - even after their oil fields have run dry?
Unless we, in the United States, wake up to the facts that Coal can, cleanly and efficiently, be converted into liquid fuels, and so can Carbon Dioxide, we will be.
Herein, we see that Saudi Arabia knows the truth of the fact, that, Carbon Dioxide, as is vented to the atmosphere in copious quantities from natural gas fields and oil refineries, can be reclaimed and recycled, as we have, from authoritative sources, including our own United States Government, already documented to be feasible, into the valuable liquid fuel, and raw material for making Gasoline and plastics, Methanol.
Comment follows excerpts from:
"Enhancing Methanol Production by CO2 Injection
April, 2006
Abdulatif M. Al-Musabbeh, et.al.
Saudi Methanol Company
Abstract: Ar-Razi had conducted a feasibility study about enhancing the methanol production ... (via) CO2 injection. This CO2 will be recovered from existing Reformer Flue Gas. The advantage of CO2 injection had resulted in attractive economical cost for methanol production as well as high contribution to reduce the emission of CO2 to atmosphere.
In conventional Methanol process CO2, CO and H2 (SynGas) are produced by reforming natural gas and then react together on synthesis catalyst to produce crude methanol. Since the H2 exists in excess quantity, injecting CO2 to SynGas can increase methanol production.  ... the price of methanol justifies the recovery of CO2 from flue gas sources"
So justified is "the recovery of CO2 from flue gas sources" in order to enhance "methanol production ... (via) CO2 injection", that the bulk of this Saudi dissertation is devoted to an evaluation of the best ways to recover CO2 - as it is emitted from petroleum refineries.
They specify that the needed, hydrogen-rich syngas to which the CO2 can be added is to be made, there, by reforming "natural gas".
We remind you, that, as we have more than amply documented, Methane, and "synthetic natural gas", can be produced either by the steam-, or hydro-, gasification of Coal; or, by the Sabatier-type recycling of Carbon Dioxide itself.