WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Consol 1973 First Stage of Multi-stage CoalTL

Patent US3748254 
As you will see in a report we intend posting tomorrow, the enclosed documentation of technology for the conversion of Coal into liquid hydrocarbons can, indeed, be thought of as a "first stage" in a multi-stage process developed by Consolidation Coal Company, for the essentially complete conversion of the Carbon content of Coal into hydrocarbon products.
Note, especially in schematics available via the link and attached file, that needed Hydrogen is generated in a reaction between hot Coal derivatives and Steam; a method of obtaining Hydrogen for the hydrogenation of Coal's carbonaceous content that is a consistent theme in Consol's, and other major corporations',  processes, as we will continue to document, for the conversion of Coal into hydrocarbon liquids and gasses.
Additional comment follows excerpts from:
"United States Patent 3,748,254 - Conversion of Coal by Solvent Extraction
Date: July, 1973
Inventor: Everett Gorin, Pittsburgh
Assignee: Consolidation Coal Company, Pittsburgh
Abstract: Coal is partially converted by solvent extraction to a mixture of extract, solvent and undissolved carbonaceous residue. ... Pellets are formed from the (residue and) serve either as solid fuel or as a source of carbon in carbon-steam reactions.
The present invention is an improvement in the ... partial conversion of coal by solvent extraction. ... which yields a low solids-containing product which is useful ... in the production of liquid fuels by hydrogenation, and ... a high solids-containing product.
The commercial feasibility of any solvent extraction process for converting coal into low-sulfur liquid fuel is critically dependent upon the amount and cost of the hydrogen requirements. ... The hydrogen may be manufactured from the by-products or rejects of the aforementioned unit operations.
Thus, the primary object of the present invention is to provide ... for the conversion of coals to fuels ...; and, (use of the residue) as a feedstock to gasifiers."
We call your attention, yet again, to another mention of "carbon-steam reactions" as a supplemental way to hydrogenate Coal; and, that needed "hydrogen may be manufactured from the by-products or rejects" of this, and other, Coal conversion processes.
In any case, we will follow up, via separate dispatch, with more information about what Consol intended to do with their carbonaceous residue, by using it as a "feedstock to gasifiers", after they had first, from raw Coal, made a liquid extract "useful ... in the production of liquid fuels by hydrogenation".