WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

ExxonMobil Coal to Methanol to Gasoline

Note that two links are enclosed in this dispatch, one above and another following, with two accompanying excerpts.
We have, in the course of our reportage, beaten ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r), Methanol-to-Gasoline, technology nearly to death, via our many references to it's potential importance in, and relevance to, Coal conversion and Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies.
Herein, to further confirm that the valuable liquid fuel, and Gasoline and plastics raw material, Methanol, can, indeed, be efficiently synthesized from Coal, we submit Exxon's very own, US Government-verified, Disclosure of that fact; and, as additional documentation attesting to Methanol's utility, we also enclose, following, further report of Mobil's technology, as disclosed in United States Patent 4,035,430, for the conversion of Methanol into Gasoline..
There are some additional implications for Exxon's Coal-to-Methanol technology, relative to it's co-production of Methane and Carbon Dioxide, which we briefly elaborate following excerpts from:
"United States Patent 4,348,486 - Production of Methanol via Catalytic Coal Gasification
Date: September, 1982
Inventor: William Calvin, et. al., NJ
Assignee: Exxon Research and Engineering Company, NJ
Abstract: Methanol is produced by gasifying a carbonaceous feed material with steam ... and added hydrogen and carbon monoxide ... to produce a raw product gas comprising methane, steam, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide; withdrawing the raw product gas from the gasifier and treating it for the removal of steam, particulates, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide to produce a treated gas containing primarily carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane; separating the treated gas into a methane-rich gas stream and a gas stream containing primarily carbon monoxide and hydrogen; passing the methane-rich gas stream to a steam reforming furnace wherein a portion of the methane is reacted with steam to produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide which is then passed from the steam reforming furnace into the gasifier; passing the gas stream containing primarily carbon monoxide and hydrogen to a methanol synthesis reactor where the carbon monoxide is reacted with the hydrogen in the presence of a methanol synthesis catalyst to form methanol; recovering methanol product from the effluent exiting the methanol synthesis reactor thereby leaving a gas comprised of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide; and recycling at least a portion of this gas to the separation step of the process.
Claims: A process for the production of methanol from a carbonaceous feed material (by)gasifying said carbonaceous feed material with steam ... and added hydrogen and carbon monoxide (and) wherein said carbonaceous feed material comprises coal.
The process of the invention provides a highly efficient method of integrating a thermoneutral gasification process with a methanol synthesis process in order to produce methanol and thus has many advantages over thermoneutral gasification processes in the past which could be used only to produce gaseous products.
Summary: This invention provides a process for producing methanol by the substantially thermoneutral reaction of steam with coal."
We abbreviate our excerpts to emphasize and clarify a few points:
First, though not reflected in our excerpts, it is directed, in the full Disclosure, that any Carbon Dioxide that is co-produced, but left un-reacted, be removed, with it's final disposition left unspecified. But, it is specified that co-produced Methane be recovered, and recycled back into the system for further breakdown, with Coal and Steam, into the Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide constituents of Methanol synthesis gas.
We submit that, instead, the recovered Carbon Dioxide and at least a portion of the reclaimed Methane could be reacted together, in a bi-reforming or tri-reforming process, such as explained in other of our reports by scientists at Penn State University, and others, to synthesize more hydrocarbons, including, even, additional Methanol.
The Carbon Dioxide does not have to be discarded or disposed of; and, the Methane does not have to be recycled back into the Methanol synthesis gas production zone, for breakdown with Coal and Steam into more Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.
Note, as well, that this is, in a fashion similar to others we have previously documented, yet another "substantially thermoneutral", as in the above excerpts, Coal conversion process; wherein all of the energy needed to effect the conversion of Coal into the liquid fuel, Methanol, is derived from the Coal.
Also, to belabor the point, note that the above is further confirmation that the Hydrogen, needed for the hydrogenation of the Carbon in Coal, is derived from the interaction of hot Coal with Steam.
In any case, we have clear statement herein that, if we want the valuable liquid hydrocarbon, Methanol, for whatever end purpose, we can efficiently manufacture such Methanol with raw materials produced by such reaction of Coal with Steam. 
Again, one of the purposes to which Methanol can be put is the direct conversion of it into Gasoline.
To further, and incontrovertibly, affirm that fact, we submit the following; wherein Exxon's marriage partner, Mobil, as confirmed by our United States Government, demonstrates that Methanol - once synthesized, via, for instance, the process of Patent 4,348,486, from Coal - can be efficiently transformed into Gasoline: 
"United States Patent 4,035,430 - Conversion of Methanol to Gasoline
Date: July, 1977
Inventor: Francis Dwyer, et. al., NJ and PA
Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation, NY
Abstract: The conversion of methanol to gasoline boiling products in a plurality of sequentially arranged catalyst beds comprising a dehydration catalyst followed by a special class of crystalline zeolite conversion catalyst is described wherein the dehydration catalyst life is prolonged ... .
Claims:  (A) method for converting methanol to gasoline boiling products in a plurality of sequentially arranged catalyst beds ... .
Summary: This invention relates to the method and system for converting methanol to gasoline boiling components."