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Korea Recycles CO2 to Methanol

We earlier reported, among others similar, "United States Patent 3,959, 094 - Synthesis of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide;", issued in 1976, by our own US Government to our own US Government, which detailed technology developed at the USDOE's Brookhaven, NY, National Laboratory, wherein Carbon Dioxide, absorbed by a water solution of Potassium Hydroxide, could be electrolyzed, and thus made to produce the liquid fuel, Methanol; and, "United States Patent 4,609,441 - Electrochemical Reduction of Aqueous Carbon Dioxide to Methanol", issued in 1986 to California scientists in the employ of Chicago's Gas Research Institute, for very similar technology.
There are, it seems, almost a multitude of ways in which Carbon Dioxide can be converted into Methanol, and knowledge of those ways isn't confined to cloistered government labs and secretive industry think tanks in the United States.
Nor, are those ways confined technically to processes involoving electrochemical reduction of Carbon Dioxide dissolved in liquid Water.
As we have also reported, there exist long-known processes of gas chemistry, such as the "Water Gas Shift" and "Reverse Water Gas Shift" reactions, which can be utilized as components of an overall system, to "break" molecules of Carbon Dioxide and Water into their constituent parts, and thus render those elemental constituents available for further reaction and recombination.
We have also earlier documented Korea's "CAMERE" process for converting Carbon Dioxide, recycling it, into the liquid fuel and gasoline raw material, Methanol, and the document we present herein is a fuller exposition of that technology, which is actually founded in Water Gas Shift chemistry.
Comment follows brief excerpts from the above link to, and attached, US Government-archived file of:
"Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation to Form Methanol
Date: August, 2000
Author: Oh-Shim Joo
Affiliation: Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul
Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 has been one of the major approaches to diminish the greenhouse gas because large amounts of CO2 can be converted to resources such as methanol ... .
Camere process has been developed to form methanol from CO2 via a water gas shift reaction."
We abbreviate our excerpts since much of the Korean reportage is highly technical, and concerns data collected during experimentation. Moreover, we have earlier reported on the Water Gas Shift and Reverse Water Gas Shift reactions, and their potential utility in Carbon Dioxide recycling systems.
But, the point is: "CO2 can be converted to ... methanol".
And, lest anyone forget: United States Patent: 4035430 - "United States Patent 4,035,430 - Conversion of Methanol to Gasoline; July, 1977; Mobil Oil Corporation, NY; Abstract: The conversion of methanol to gasoline boiling products ... .".