WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Mobil Oil 1978 Coal to Motor Fuel

We continue to prosecute our thesis that Coal can be efficiently liquefied and converted into direct replacements for the fuels we now derive from petroleum, via dissolution and hydrogenation in primary, and long-known, Coal oils, with yet another example of such technology from Mobil Oil Corporation, prior to their merger with Exxon.
Some advance excerpts from the main body of the full Disclosure serve to emphasize the key facts:
"It is a main object of this invention ... to convert coal into a denitrified synthetic crude oil (and to) upgrade the resultant liquid product for application as premium gasoline stock."
"The liquefaction solvent ... is a thermally stable, polycyclic aromatic and hydroaromatic mixture which results from one or more petroleum refining operations, or it is an indigenous coal fraction recycled from steps (within this) invention process."
In other words: We can use petroleum to liquefy Coal, but we don't have to if we don't want to.
Coal, alone, can provide all that's needed to synthesize "premium gasoline stock". 
As further explained in our additional excerpts from:
"United State Patent 4,081,351 - Conversion of Coal into Motor Fuel
Date: March, 1978
Inventor: Heinz Heinemann, NJ
Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation, NY
Abstract: This invention provides an improved process for deriving motor fuel from coal which involves the steps of solubilizing coal in a liquefaction solvent; separating undissolved solids from the liquefaction solution; fractionating the liquid phase by distillation; subjecting intermediate distillate fractions to denitrification treatment; and catalytic cracking of the resultant denitrified synthetic crude oil to produce premium grade gasoline. 
Claims: A process for converting coal into liquid fuel which consists of the steps (of) solubilizing coal in a liquefaction solvent to form a homogeneous liquid phase, wherein said liquefaction solvent is a thermally stable polycyclic aromatic and hydroaromatic mixture (and processing the mixture so as) to yield a denitrified synthetic crude oil (and catalytically cracking said synthetic crude oil) to produce motor fuel.
Background: Governments and industrial concerns on a priority basis are dedicating increased attention to alternatives to petroleum as sources for fuels and chemical intermediates, i.e., coal and wood. Substantial reserves of coal exist in highly industrialized countries, and wood is both plentiful and replenishable worldwide.

Since most current energy utilization technology requires liquid energy media, it has become an important research and development objective to provide innovative means to convert coal into liquid sources of potential energy.

It was recognized by early workers that coal can be liquified ... . (And the) prior art provides various methods for upgrading coal liquefaction products.
Conversion of solvent refined coal liquids into high grade motor fuels can be achieved ... ."
We'll forgo reproduction of the technical details, as available via the enclosed link, since our final, United States Government-certified statement, as reproduced immediately above, is the sum of our message:
"Conversion of ... coal ... into high grade motor fuels can be achieved."