WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Penn State Coal Plant Exhaust to Liquid Fuel

We have previously reported on "tri-reforming" technologies, wherein Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with both Steam and Methane, and made thereby to generate a synthesis gas suitable for catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbons.
A number of US Patents, some dating back half a century, as we have documented for the West Virginia Coal Association, have been issued to major petroleum companies for such, and similar, technology.
As we have also reported, Penn State University has been at work in recent years to further develop those sorts of Carbon Dioxide recycling processes, and we herein present further documentation of their achievements.
What is most notable in this submission is, that, in confirmation of earlier reports, raw flue gas can be utilized in the reforming/recycling reactions.
Carbon Dioxide does not have to be expensively separated.
And, note, yet again: The Methane required can itself be synthesized, via the 1912 Nobel Prize-winning Sabatier process, now being further refined by NASA, from Carbon Dioxide; or, via long-known techniques for the Steam-gasification of Coal; all as we have thoroughly documented.
Additional comment follows excerpts from:
"Tri-reforming of Methane using Flue Gas
March, 2002
Wei Pan, et. al.; Penn State University, PA
The present work is an exploratory study on a new process for the production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) using CO2 in the flue gas from fossil fuel-based power plants.
Tri-reforming is a new process designed for the direct production of synthesis gas with desirable H2/CO ratios by reforming methane using flue gas from fossil fuel-based power plants without pre-separation of Carbon Dioxide.
(Tri-reforming) is expected to encompass a number of unique features. One major feature is it's ability to convert CO2 in flue gas without CO2 separation (thus) avoiding the use of pure CO2 and the severe problem of carbon deposition encountered in CO2 reforming ... .
(It) directly produces synthesis gas with desirable H2/CO ratios (for) methanol and Fischer-Tropsch syntheses."
In other words, simply: We can make liquid fuels starting with the raw flue gas from Coal-fired power plants.
Almost, by now, gratuitously, we note: Once we have the Methanol, as herein can be synthesized starting with Coal-fired power plant exhaust fumes, we can, via ExxonMobil's "MTG"(r) process, convert it into Gasoline.