WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Denmark Recycles CO2 via Syntrolysis

We have lately been reporting on "Syntrolysis" technology, which is described as "a process developed by the (USDOE's) Idaho National Laboratory that (consumes) carbon dioxide while creating synthesis gas ... a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide used to produce synthetic fuels."
Herein, with even more confirmation of their work to follow in coming days, we see that Denmark, in collaboration with New York's Columbia University, whose Carbon-recycling achievements we have earlier reported, has, as well, been studying and developing such Syntrolysis processes.
The reportage is highly technical, and we thus present, in this dispatch, only the briefest of excerpts.
Our intent is to further introduce the subject matter, preparatory to further reports in process, concerning  developments both in Denmark and at Columbia University, and, to, hopefully, encourage follow-up by those qualified to fully explain all of this to the rest of us.
That said, here's the teaser from:
"Co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Date: June 2010
Authors: Christopher Graves, et. al.
Affiliations: National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark; and, Columbia University, NY 
Abstract: This study examines the initial performance and durability of a solid oxide cell applied for co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O. Such a cell, when powered by renewable/nuclear energy, could be used to recycle CO2 into sustainable hydrocarbon fuels."
The phrase "recycle CO2 into sustainable hydrocarbon fuels", though a little awkward, still has a nice sound to it, don't you think?
It should become our battle cry.
Too bad it hasn't yet, along with "Convert Coal to Gasoline!", begun to echo through the hills.