WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE CoalTL Overview

We find it impractical to make direct excerpts from the 2009 United States Department of Energy presentation we enclose, via the enclosed link and attached file, herein.
However, within it you will find a number of facts concerning the conversion of Coal into liquid transportation fuels, as seemingly confirmed by our own United States Government, as follows:
1. Liquid fuels can be made from Coal, even low-grade Coal, at a cost between $30 and $40 per barrel.
2. Hydrogen needed to hydrogenate the carbon content of Coal can be readily obtained from the Steam gasification of Coal.
3. Coal liquefaction processes can be successfully applied to a range of Coals, even low-grade Coals, and other raw materials, including waste plastics.
4. Electric power in commercial quantities can be generated as a by-product of some Coal conversion processes.
5. One ton of Coal, depending on grade and the process used, can be converted into between 3 and 4.5 barrels of synthetic crude oil and other hydrocarbon liquids.
6. Combining direct and indirect CoalTL processes enables co-production of both high-octane Gasoline and Diesel fuel.
7. The US Government has paid for the development and demonstration of at least 7 CoalTL technologies, including Exxon's Donor Solvent process.
All of the above are just some of what can be gleaned from the enclosed, official USDOE document.
And, our own United States Government, as herein officially, knows all of it to be true.
Why is it that our United States Public does not?