WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE Coal Conversion Combined Process

We assume the presentation we enclose herein, via the enclosed link and attached file, was made to, and at the behest of, the United States Department of Energy; since it is housed in their library; and, since it is recorded as having been made, to someone, five years ago, in Washington, DC.
Within it, you will find more confirmation of several facts about Coal conversion we have lately documented to be true, in reports and US Patent Applications originating, for the most part, from South Africa.
The graphic nature of the presentation limits our ability to provide direct excerpts for you. And, we have as yet been unable to track down the textural source documentation, no doubt locked away somewhere in the USDOE archives, upon which the presentation must have been based.
The salient features, however, are, that:
The basic processes of Indirect and Direct Coal Liquefaction can be combined and integrated to:
1. Provide all the Hydrogen needed to hydrogenate all the Carbon content of Coal, to form hydrocarbons;
2. Internally generate all of the energy required by both processes to convert Coal into hydrocarbons; and,
3. Internally recycle nearly all of the CO2 that might be co-produced, so that none is emitted. 
And, as a bonus, it appears that spare Electricity and useful chemicals can be co-generated as byproducts.
The presentation demands that it's source documentation be tracked down, and then delivered in cogent form to all of the rest of us - we US citizens of US Coal Country, whose taxes no doubt paid for the information to be generated - by experts both qualified to do so and genuinely committed to the economic health of the United States of America.
"The Truth", about Coal conversion, "Is Out There".
Someone needs to go out there and get it, and then bring it Home.