WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Half a Century of CO2 Lies - Part 1

Hydrocarbon synthesis

We have made much of the fact that it is, in certain circles, well-known that Carbon Dioxide can be reclaimed and productively recycled into, ultimately, familiar types of liquid, and gaseous, hydrocarbons.

Our recent reports of a Carbon Dioxide recycling plant, which will manufacture Methanol from CO2, being now built in Iceland, notwithstanding, we had earlier provided documentation of the fact that our US domestic petroleum industry, and, via the Patent Office at least, our US Government, have known since WWII that Carbon Dioxide can be so productively utilized.

We had earlier provided some documentation of that fact; but, in a brief series of three reports, starting with this one and with two others soon to follow, we intend to provide additional confirmation of that fact.

Given our personal disabilities and the severe recent technical problems we're struggling to surpass and overcome, there might, in the three reports, appear some redundancy relative to prior dispatches.

Regardless, the information, the revelations, contained within them, information firmly establishing the sham that has so far been perpetrated on us concerning Carbon Dioxide, should warrant the patience and ongoing attention of anyone truly interested in the economic and social health of the Coal industry, US Coal Country, and the entire United States of America.

Throughout the course of these reports, we urge you to keep in mind that the Methane needed for all of what are, in essence, the "bi-reforming"  and "tri-reforming" reactions specified and described, can itself be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide, via the 1912 Nobel-certified Sabatier process - a technology which, again as we've documented, NASA intends to employ on the planet Mars.

Moreover, again as we have documented, it has been known how to synthesize Methane, since the late 1800's, via the Steam-, or Hydro-, gasification of Coal.

That said, we see herein that, before World War II had even drawn to a close, our domestic petroleum industry, and our United States Government, confirmed that Carbon Dioxide could be productively recycled, through reactions with Methane and Steam, in the synthesis of hydrocarbon fuels.

Should you make the effort to open and read the full document, don't be misled by opening statements in the Abstract, which seem to describe only another of the Fischer-Tropsch type of reactions, wherein a synthesis gas composed of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen can be catalytically condensed into liquid hydrocarbons.

It is how and from what raw materials Standard Oil, herein, first makes that synthesis gas that are the critical points.


As we attempt to illustrate through our excerpts from the enclosed link to and attached file of:

"United States Patent 2,347,682 - Hydrocarbon Synthesis


Date: May, 1944 (Application filed April, 1941)

Inventor: Robert Gunness, Chicago

Assignee: Standard Oil Company of Indiana

Abstract: This invention relates to an improved method and means for effecting the synthesis of hydrocarbons from carbon monoxide and hydrogen...

In practicing my invention I may employ normally gaseous hydrocarbons from any source whatsoever but I prefer to employ natural gas which consists chiefly of methane ... (and, also) to utilize in this system the methane and ethane which is produced by the system itself.

A further object is to improve the efficiency and to decrease the expense of the system for obtaining a two to one hydrogen-carbon monoxide mixture from ... methane...

The (methane) is ... mixed with such proportion of carbon dioxide and steam as to give a gas mixture having an atomic hydrogen:carbon:oxygen ratio of about 4:1:1. This mixture is then contacted with a reforming catalyst (as specified, and the) reforming operation converts the methane-carbon dioxide-steam mixture into a gas consisting chiefly of hydrogen and carbon monoxide in the proportions 2:1. This gas will be hereinafter referred to as "make" gas or "synthesis" gas.

Maximum liquid yields are obtained (via specified catalytic reaction of that synthesis gas, and): The reaction products ... may be converted by ... known processes into high quality motor fuels...."



In sum: Since this US Patent was applied for, and the application published within the Patent Office, in 1941; and, since the Nobel Committee had confirmed, in 1912, that we could make Methane from Carbon Dioxide; we submit that we, as a nation, have known, officially, that we can make "high quality motor fuels", out of nothing but Carbon Dioxide and Steam, for significantly more than half a century.