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Japan Converts CO2 to Formic Acid

United States Patent: 7479570


In our recent report of November 22, concerning "US Patent 4,011,153", a technology for the "Liquefaction and Desulfurization of Coal", it was disclosed that US Government scientists working in Pennsylvania had, all the way back in 1977, developed a process they summarized, simply, as a way of "desulfurizing and liquefying coal", with the end result being clean liquid hydrocarbons.

Presuming you to have read that dispatch, and without reproducing the specifics, we remind you that a key chemical agent which could, among others, be used in that process, to hydrogenate and liquefy Coal, was the compound, "Sodium Formate".

Herein, we submit evidence that such use of Sodium Formate represents a clear opportunity for the somewhat direct recycling, through multiple channels, of Carbon Dioxide in a Coal liquefaction process.

First, a few preliminaries, which we submit without reference citation as the facts are readily available via simple web search:

The Sodium Formate, as can be used in US Patent 4,011,153 to hydrogenate Coal, is typically prepared by neutralizing Formic Acid with Sodium Carbonate.

Sodium Carbonate is manufactured on an industrial basis via the commercialized and well-known "Solvay Process", wherein ammonia, dissolved in salt water, is reacted with Carbon Dioxide.

Herein, we see that the other component needed to synthesize Sodium Formate, Formic Acid, can, as well, be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide.

Brief comment follows excerpts from the enclosed initial link to:


"United States Patent 7,479,570 - Process for the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide


Date: January, 2009


Inventor: Seiji Ogo, et. al., Japan


Assignee: Japan Science and Technology Agency


Abstract: Carbon dioxide and water are mixed with an organometallic complex (of varied and specified compositions). This makes it possible to directly reduce carbon dioxide in water.

Claims:  A reducing process of carbon dioxide, comprising mixing carbon dioxide and water with an organometallic complex ... so as to reduce carbon dioxide so that formic acid or alkali salt thereof is formed.

Field: The present invention relates to a reducing process of carbon dioxide with an organometallic complex, and in particular, relates to a reducing process of carbon dioxide in water under mild conditions."



We forego reproduction of all the technical complexities. But, keep a few things in mind:

By "mild conditions", the inventors mean that you don't need a lot of heat and pressure, i.e., costly energy, to convert Carbon Dioxide, via this process, into Formic Acid.


And, the reaction is accomplished with a solution of "carbon dioxide in water" - as might, we suggest, be obtained by spraying water though plain old air, a concept we will in future dispatches further document to be feasible; or, as might be had in the effluent from a smoke stack exhaust gas scrubber.

We note that Formic Acid does have other uses. For instance, it can be employed as a chemical component in fuel cell-type batteries.

However, for our purposes, you should also keep in mind that:

We can, as herein, make Formic Acid from Carbon Dioxide.

We can, via the Solvay Process, make Sodium Carbonate out of, among other things, Carbon Dioxide.

Formic Acid and Sodium Carbonate can be reacted to make Sodium Formate.

And, Sodium Formate can be used in the process of USP 4,011,153 to hydrogenate and liquefy Coal.

Carbon Dioxide, thereby. is a valuable raw material resource.

We really don't want to be, through mandated Geologic Sequestration, stuffing all of it down a West Texas oil field rat hole; or, to, through Cap & Trade, be taxing our vital Coal-use industries out of existence because they produce, relative to natural sources of emission, such as volcanoes, just a little bit of it for us.