WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1


Australia CO2 to Methanol; US Methanol to Gasoline

United States Patent: 4366260


Herein, from Australia, is yet further confirmation of the fact that Carbon Dioxide, as in other of our reports, can be utilized and consumed in the synthesis of Methanol.

The Disclosure, in fact, doesn't seem to reveal much about the process of Methanol synthesis itself, but focuses instead on the details of catalyst preparation.

Perhaps of interest, though, is the rather detailed Prior Art documentation, within the full Disclosure, of the fact that both Carbon Dioxide and Coal can be converted into Methanol.

We note that Carbon Monoxide is another preferred raw material identified by these Australian scientists, and, without specific citation, we remind you that, as in several of our previous reports, we can make all of the Carbon Monoxide we might ever want for Methanol synthesis by the simple expedient of passing Carbon Dioxide, reclaimed from whatever source, over red-hot Coal.

Either way, Methanol can thus, as disclosed herein, be made, directly or indirectly, from Carbon Dioxide.

And, once we have such CO2-based Methanol, we can convert that Methanol into Gasoline, as detailed via an additional link and excerpts, following passages from the initial link in this dispatch to:


"United States Patent 4,366,260 - Catalysts for Methanol Synthesis


Date: December, 1982


Inventor: Mark Wainright, et. al., Australia


Assignee: Unisearch Limited, Australia


Abstract: A method for the preparation of a low temperature catalyst suitable to synthesize methanol or mixtures of methanol and dimethyl ether ... . The resultant novel catalyst is used to produce methanol or a mixture of methanol and dimethyl ether by a process comprising contacting the catalyst with a gaseous mixture of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, or a mixture thereof, with hydrogen."



There seems little need to reproduce further details.

In sum, we can make Methanol out of Carbon Dioxide, either directly, or, by reacting CO2 with hot Coal to first make Carbon Monoxide, indirectly.

Either way, from the cost of such production, we insist, must be deducted the costs, or potential costs, of any misguided mandates such as Cap & Trade taxation of the Coal industry and it's customers; or, their economic enslavement, through Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in old oil wells, into the service of Big Oil and his secondary petroleum scrounging.

Such offset would apply as well to the costs of Hydrogen production, since elemental hydrogen is required.

But, as we have earlier reported and documented, such Hydrogen production costs shouldn't, in any case, be excessive; since the gas is already currently used on a routine basis in some conventional petroleum refineries to upgrade heavy crude oil.

So, we can make Methanol from Carbon Dioxide.

And, once we have the Methanol, here is what, as a change of pace, not ExxonMobil, but, Amoco, says we can do with it:

"United States Patent: 5191142 - Process for Converting Methanol to ... Gasoline


Date: March, 1993


Inventors: Christopher Marshall and Jeffrey Miller, IL


Assignee: Amoco Corporation, Chicago


Abstract: A process for efficiently converting methanol to C3 - C12 olefins or paraffinic gasoline components is disclosed. A gaseous reaction mixture containing methanol and olefins is contacted with a solid acid catalyst in a reaction zone under conditions whereby a positive methanol concentration is maintained throughout the reaction zone. The process provides extended catalyst life, reduced deactivation rates, improved yields, and enhanced selectively for valuable products."



So, we can utilize these US Government-certified technologies, in tandem sequence, and, starting with Carbon Dioxide, wind up with Gasoline.