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Denmark CO2 + Methane = Hydrocarbon Syngas

United States Patent: 7094363

As now accessible via:

Denmark Recycles CO2 via Syntrolysis | Research & Development | News; wherein is disclosed the:

"Co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; June 2010; Christopher Graves, et. al.; Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark;

we have already made report of developments in CO2 recycling technology arising in the nation of Denmark.

As seen in that earlier dispatch, Danish scientists were utilizing a CO2 recycling technique also being developed by our United States Department of Energy, as documented, for one instance, in our post:

Idaho Recycles CO2 | Research & Development | News; in which we disclose the official USDOE report, from their Idaho National Laboratory, of: ""Syntrolysis: Simultaneously Electrolyzing Water and Carbon Dioxide into Syngas".

Aside from such co-electrolysis of Water solutions of Carbon Dioxide, to generate hydrocarbon synthesis gas, we have also documented the development, starting within the Oil industry shortly after WWII, and continuing most recently at Penn State University, of "reforming" technologies, wherein Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with Methane, and made thereby also to generate hydrocarbon synthesis gas.

As it happens, Denmark has been following up on those CO2 reforming potentials, as well, as our own United States Government should be quite aware, through their issuance, nearly five years ago now, as accessible via the initial link in this dispatch, of:


"United States Patent 7,094,363 - Preparation of a Synthesis Gas


Date: August, 2006


Inventor: Peter Christensen, Copenhagen, et. al.


Assignee: Haldor Topsoe, Denmark


Abstract: Process and apparatus for the preparation of synthesis gas by catalytic steam and/or CO2 reforming of a hydrocarbon feedstock comprising the following steps: (a) heating the reaction mixture of hydrocarbon and steam and/or CO2 in a heated steam reforming unit (in) contact with a solid reforming catalyst (and) feeding the partially steam reformed mixture to the fired tubular reformer and further reforming the mixture to the desired composition and temperature ... .

Claims: Process for the preparation of synthesis gas by catalytic steam and/or CO2 reforming of a hydrocarbon feedstock ... .

(And) wherein the reaction mixture of hydrocarbon and steam and/or CO2 is pre-reformed prior to heating.

(And) wherein (additional) steam and/or carbon dioxide (can be) added to (other) reaction sections.

Description: The present invention relates to a process and an apparatus for the preparation of synthesis gas. The preparation process includes catalytic steam and/or carbon dioxide reforming of a hydrocarbon feedstock.

(A) catalytic steam and/or carbon dioxide reforming of a hydrocarbon feedstock is a process in which a hydrocarbon feedstock is reacted with steam and/or carbon dioxide forming a hydrogen and carbon monoxide rich synthesis gas (as illustrated specifically for) methane.

The ratio of steam to carbon dioxide can be varied to obtain the desired synthesis gas composition.

Therefore the invention provides a process for the preparation of synthesis gas by catalytic steam and/or CO2 reforming of a hydrocarbon feedstock ... ."



And, wherein that "hydrocarbon feedstock" is specified, again, to be "methane".

We remind you:

As these European scientists would have been aware, Europe's Nobel Committee awarded their 1912 Prize in Chemistry to France's Paul Sabatier, for demonstrating that Carbon Dioxide can, in the first place, be converted into the Methane which - as these Danish inventors, one century later, demonstrate, as confirmed herein by our own United States Government - can then be reacted with even more Carbon Dioxide; and, made thereby to generate a hydrocarbon synthesis gas suitable, we submit, for catalytic condensation, as via, for one example, the Fischer-Tropsch process, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.