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Pittsburgh USDOE Converts CO2 to Methane & Methanol

Visible Light Photoreduction of CO2 Using CdSe/Pt/TiO2 Heterostructured Catalysts - The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

This fairly recent report from our USDOE employees in Pittsburgh, PA, deserves far better, and more expanded, exposition than we are herein able to give it.

We are searching for more complete versions of the document, and will post them when we are able.

But, herein is established the fact, that, in Pittsburgh, PA, there are some scientists in our employ who know that Carbon Dioxide can be productively recycled, into gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuels, by using a form of what we would call "artificial photosynthesis".

Comment follows excerpts from the link to:


"Visible Light Photoreduction of CO2


November, 2009; American Chemical Society


Congjun Wang, et. al.


National Energy Technology Laboratory, USDOE, Pittsburgh, PA


Abstract: A series of ... Titanium Dioxide (catalysts) have been synthesized, characterized, and tested for the photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in the presence of H2O.

Our results show that these ... materials are capable of catalyzing the photoreduction of CO2 using visible light illumination ... . (Various treatments of the catalyst) have also been investigated.

The ... analysis shows that the primary reaction product is CH4, with CH3OH, H2, and CO observed as secondary products."


So, we can make Methane, "CH4", and Methanol, "CH3OH", by properly catalyzing a solar-powered reaction between Water and Carbon Dioxide.

As we have several times reported, as for one instance in:

Penn State Recycles via Artificial Photosynthesis | Research & Development | News; wherein is detailed:

"'High-Rate Solar Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2 and Water Vapor to Hydrocarbon Fuels'; 2008; The Pennsylvania State University";

the US Department of Energy lab in Pittsburgh isn't the only place in the world, or even in Pennsylvania, where it is, in certain circles, known that we can utilize environmental energy to directly collect and convert atmospheric Carbon Dioxide into "Hydrocarbon Fuels", including, as herein, Methane and Methanol.

We remind you, as well, of our earlier reports concerning the closely-related "Green Freedom" light-driven Carbon Dioxide recycling technology under development at our USDOE Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories.


Once we have the Methanol, as herein synthesized from Carbon Dioxide, we can, as we document via separate report today, concerning:

"United States Patent: 4825013 - Higher Alcohols from Lower Carbon Number Alcohols;1989; Assignee: The Dow Chemical Company; Abstract: A process for forming an alcohol fraction boiling in the range of motor gasoline (by) contacting a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and a lower alkanol with a (specified and detailed catalyst)  ... under conditions sufficient to convert at least some of the one or more lower alcohols to higher alcohols (and) wherein the one or more lower alcohols contain methanol (and, wherein, the) hydrogen and carbon monoxide required ... may be obtained (from) the gasification of ... coal";

convert that CO2-derived Methanol into "motor gasoline" by reacting it with what is, essentially, a synthesis gas produced from Coal.


We can utilize the Methane in one of the numerous "bi-reforming" and "tri-reforming" technologies we have so far documented for you, some dating back to the WWII era, to react with and consume even more Carbon Dioxide, and thereby synthesize even more hydrocarbons.